Author: Kris

  • You might have already noticed, but it blows my mind that I can now read all my favorite catalogs at Google. Ahhh, to remember the days when J. Crew inundated Notre Dame with about five catalogs per student…

  • Also seen on the Channel Seven News tonight: “Pretzel vs the President”. That’s the title of their continuing saga of our accident-prone Prez. Jeez.

  • Suspicious envelopes were mailed to thirty Sydney McDonald’s restaurants today. Some of them even supposedly contained a white powder. And with that, anthrax hysteria jumps the Pacific! All 710 Aussie McDonald’s have been ordered not to open their mail for the time being. Luckily the Snook and I live in Newtown, which is so violently bohemian that the only chain restaurant with the temerity to move in was forced out of business years ago. So we’re all good.

  • Heh.

    “You have the right to remain silent–“
    “Snoochie boochies!”

  • Still on the Blogger Code theme… Somebody’s written a Blogger Decoder. Paste in a person’s code, and it tells you what it means. Very handy.

  • Blogger code

    Remember the Blogger Code? Someone is accusing Ron of stealing it, despite the fact that the two versions have nothing in common but the idea of a “code”, which can be traced back here anyway. Don’t get me wrong; I’m all about integrity on the web (especially as regards stealing images). But God, we can be a petty bunch sometimes, squabbling over popularity.

  • From the TV Guide:

      11.45 Movie: The Eel. Paroled after eight years in prison for killing his wife, a man and his closest companion, an eel, embark on a new life as a barber in a small town. (Japan).

    I swear, Australian TV is the weirdest. (Although perhaps I should extend that to the Japanese as well, since they evidently produced the thing.)

  • MASH notes

    It’s silly quiz time! According to this

    M * A * S * HI will marry NEO (played by Keanu Reeves) from The Matrix, live in a big metal ship trying to escape from a world controlled by computers, and spend my days travelling through phone lines, hacking into the Matrix, and dodging bullets in slow motion.

    What’s YOUR M * A * S * H future? (Link courtesy of anon.)

  • So I’m sittin’ here watchin’ the Australian Open and once again I’m struck by how much Andy Roddick looks like my brother Anthony. Check this out:

    My brother Andy Roddick
    My brother Andy Roddick

    I couldn’t find a good picture of Roddick smiling (and I didn’t have one of my brother not), but I think you can still see the resemblance. For those of us that know him, it’s even more startling.

  • Gaaaaahhhh. Baby with a tail. I repeat, baby with a tail. Hindu god or not, if that were my kid I’d be talking with a plastic surgeon as we speak.