Author: Kris

  • Outback crime

    Have you guys been following this Australian ambush story? (You Yanks probably haven’t, as it doesn’t involve any Americans and took place in a foreign country.) Anyway, this British girl claims that she and her boyfriend were driving down a highway in Australia’s Northern Territory when a guy with a van flagged them down, claiming he needed help. The girlfriend says she heard a gunshot just after her boyfriend left their van, and then the mystery man pulled her out, tied her up, and threw her in the back of his van. She managed to escape later and hid in the scrub for six hours while the guy hunted for her with a dog. Now the whole country is out looking for this guy, and anybody with a rusty Ute is getting hauled in for questioning (a significant proportion of the population). They haven’t found anything yet, and some journalists are starting to question her story. Now tell me this isn’t just as interesting as that whole Chandra Levy business (which will probably just turn out along the lines of Max’s theory anyway)…

  • Sparky broke his arm this week, but he’s still bloggin’. That’s some dedication. Feel better soon, Spark.

  • Hey! I finally got sent the Sircam virus today. Not that that’s a good thing or anything, but it’s always nice to be part of something. I got it once at my web-goddess address, and once at my address. I tried to reply to one of the people to let them know that they had the virus, but bounced my e-mail and said that perhaps I had the virus! (They musta checked the reply-text or something.) Now if the bastards can keep me from sending it to one of their subscribers, why can’t they keep their subscribers from sending it out??

  • Jurassic Park

    I totally channeled Max: I turned to my sister as we were leaving the theater after seeing Jurassic Park 3 on Saturday and said, “I hope all those kids have screaming nightmares and their parents have to stay up all friggin’ night.” What is it with people bringing children to events that are clearly inappropriate for them? Here I also refer to my long-standing rant against London mothers pushing baby strollers the size of twin beds through areas that are otherwise congested with adults (i.e. the Tate Modern). Seriously, everytime I nearly get run over by one, I turn to Snookums and snarl, “Inappropriate stroller!” That’s our code word.

    Anyway, the movie wasn’t great but it didn’t suck. It really was, as Ebert pointed out, a “nice little thrill machine.” I hate-hate-hated Tea Leoni, but everybody else was okay. I really liked the pterodactyl bit. (I’m pretty sure they’re real, Max.) For some reason, the Barney the Dinosaur bit made me giggle like a freak. But maybe that had something to do with the three scoops of Phish Food I scarfed right before the show…

  • U.K. Survivor Update:
    GIRL POWER! Yes, the final two competitors are both women! Richard royally screwed up by not getting rid of Charlotte when he could, and instead the alliance voted off poor Grandpa Mick. Then the Harlotte pulled the ace out of her sleeve: she told Jackie that Richard had told Pete he was being voted out. In other words, he’d been lying to Jackie all along in the hopes that she’d think the jury was prejudiced against him and thus pick him for the final two. Having ensured that Jackie would pick her over Richard, the Harlotte then managed a stunning victory in the final Immunity Challenge of the show. She wisely (I think) chose Jackie to go through with her, knowing that everybody on the Jury either A) hates Jackie or B) thinks she’s a useless idiot. My money’s on Charlotte to win.

  • I’m not usually a fan of gangster movies (especially ones that star P.Diddy), but Roger Ebert makes Made sound pretty damn good. Oh, and anything that gets Jon Favreau and Vince Vaughn back onscreen together is a good thing.

    We’re going to Vegas baby! They’re gonna give Daddy the Rain Man suite! VEGAS!

  • I’m sorry that the quantity/quality of my blogging has slacked off so much in the last week or so. Alas, another site has my full attention at the moment. Things should get back to normal next week.

  • My new hair colorMy housemate Nick just sent me an e-mail after visiting this site.

    You don’t look like this anymore Kris… So I made this one for you.

    Cheeky bugger. Actually he didn’t do too bad of a job. It really is that red. (Well, maybe a little darker.) It’s still straight though, as opposed to the “scribble-tastic” look he’s given me.

  • An unplanned pregnancy…
    No way! Not me. (Had you going there, didn’t I?) It was my Sim. It was very disturbing. Some background: I discovered with some of my other Sim families that babies majorly suck. They stay infants for three days, during which you have to feed, play, and sing to them constantly. You have to rotate as well, or else the person that stays home the whole time inevitably gets fired from their job. If all goes well, the brat finally turns into a kid. (Kids are a headache themselves, but at least they can function on their own.) So anyway, with “our” household I was always careful to say “No” whenever that “Do you want a baby?” alert popped up. The Netdecisions family (Sim Kris, Snookums, Nick, and Alex) have way too much going on to tend to a child. So yesterday I was showing off the game to my sister and she wanted to see the infamous vibrating love bed. I grabbed the nearest couple (myself and Snookums), and they got biz-zay. I got quite the shock afterwards though, when a bassinette suddenly appeared. How distressing. What with my career as a SWAT team leader and Snookums’s job as a medical researcher, we had no time to raise a kid. I made the difficult decision to leave the little tyke home all the next day, after which Social Services appeared to take it away. Yeah, it was harsh, but that’s the beauty of the game, right? Now if only they’d introduce some contraception into an expansion pack…