Author: Kris

  • I went! Really, I did. I even dragged my sister along. But we got there early and Hyde Park was full of people camping on the grass for that night’s Andrea Bocelli concert. We didn’t know where to start looking. We sat under a tree and ate our Pret sandwiches while keeping watch for weblogger type people, but we couldn’t seem to spot anybody. Every time I saw a promising group, it turned out to be a student tour or a congregation of conspiracy theorists. We eventually had to leave to meet up with Snookums and Ferret for a movie, so my “society of bloggers” expectations were left unsatisfied. Where was everybody?

  • So I think I might go to the ukbloggers party in the park tomorrow. If you’re there, look for me. I’ll be the one with the bright red hair (recently re-dyed) and possibly wearing white roller skates.

  • Paul & Elly’s Wedding photos

    What's wrong with this picture?I was digging through some of my old site backups this morning and found an unexpected relic: pictures and commentary from a wedding I went to with my college friends in 1999. It was for two Domers, Paul Brenner and Elly Terrell. I’ve put them up for your enjoyment. They’re pretty funny… especially that one on the right. Can you figure out what’s so very wrong with that picture? (You probably won’t guess unless you’ve met me.)

  • Next time somebody steals one of my images, I’m using one of these as retaliation. 🙂

  • New Media New Arse

    BBC News is running an interesting series of stories on the “Internet Backlash”. The second installment even has a picture of that “New Media New Arse” graffiti Meg saw a while back.

  • Just overheard in my office…

      Wanker Project Manager to Techie: How big is your memory stick?

    Call me childish, but I giggled.

  • Memo to Iggy Pop: The seven dwarves weren’t from Cinderella, you idiot. If you’re going to try to be all eccentric with your backstage demands, at least get the context right.

  • Multibabel

    Blue Canarian in the escape of the luminous switch, that one that it observes in you. In order to give the form to a small house of the bird in its internal part.

    Heh. (Thanks to Meg for the link.)

  • It’s cool to be a nerd.
    So where was I last night when I wasn’t watching Survivor? I was seeing They Might Be Giants in concert! It was seriously one of the best shows I’ve ever seen. It was at the same venue as the Wheatus show, but fortunately the “oi-OI!” girls were nowhere to be seen. In fact, it was a Sea of Geeks. Snookums speculated that “half the servers in London are gonna go down tonight”, judging by the rampant and obvious system administrator drunkenness going on around us. It was worth it though. The guys don’t play London very often, and they seemed genuinely surprised that so many people showed up. (I think it ended up being sold out.) They played for almost two hours, and the set included stuff from their new upcoming album as well as every fan favorite from their back catalog. Snookums nearly fell out of his chair when John launched into “Particle Man” and “Doctor Worm”. You haven’t lived until you’ve seen a crowd of people frantically pogo-ing and rocking out to “Birdhouse in Your Soul” and “Your Racist Friend”. They even did “The Guitar (The Lion Sleeps Tonight)” and the incredibly weird “Fingertips”. My favorite moment, though, happened during “Twisting”. As soon as the song started, Snookums and I looked at each other and laughed. Pizza Hut’s been using it in commercials here for their new Twisted Crust pizza. Yes, a song about suicide to advertise pizza. Anyway, in the middle of the song, quiet John threw a “pizzaaaaaa” in the chorus. It was hilarious. Seriously, go buy all of their albums right now.