It’s that time of year again… Eurovision! Lucky for you, Claire‘s already sized up the competition and made her predictions. Always bet on the blind chick, folks.
Author: Kris
Gael found a cool article about inconsistent women’s clothing sizes. USA Today sent a size 6-8 woman to four different stores to try on jeans. In one place, the smallest size she found she could wear was a 12! See, this is why I buy men’s jeans. It’s harder to misrepresent inches and centimeters. This is a little weird, though, since I thought that clothing manufacturers tended to err on the side of making clothes bigger, so that women would think they were a smaller size. I can’t imagine a customer would be very happy to buy your product if it made her feel six sizes larger than she actually is.
I had a job interview of sorts today. It’s a great opportunity at a great company (doing web development work), but there’s one great big problem: a two-hour bus commute. The office is in Avalon Beach, which is miles and miles from here. I knew as soon as I looked at the map that I couldn’t do it, but I went to the meeting anyway to check it out. I almost wish I hadn’t, because now it’s just going to torture me. Do you commute? How long is too long?
Just saw Attack of the Clones again. It wasn’t as good the second time. Now I’m wondering if sitting in the very front row had something to do with my initial enthusiasm. It just seemed like stuff was happening on-screen constantly. This time (from the back row) I found myself getting bored quite a bit. Yoda and Obi-Wan still rock my world, though.
It was such a beautiful day. I headed into the city to meet up with Snookums and some of his work mates for lunch. That was fun. (I got to meet “Toast”!) Afterwards I took a stroll through Hyde Park and snapped some pictures. Why in the world have I been missing London? Even when it’s cold here, it’s still beautiful.
We’re discussing cockney rhyming slang over at Tara D‘s site. I love some of the new ones that people come up with. Like, “He’s such a Shania.” (Shania = Shania Twain = “pain”) Hee!
Claire found an interesting article about Australian regional dialect differences. There aren’t many different accents here, which is weird in a country so big. (Think about America or the UK for comparison.) I’ll have to try out that “celery” test on Snookums tonight. Most of the time I forget that he has an accent at all. It’s only when I introduce him to American friends or family that I remember what a novelty he is to them. Which is funny, because he’s got the softest, least “strine” accent I’ve ever heard. He sounds way more English than Steve Irwin, that’s for sure.
Which Greek Goddess Are You?
I’m Hestia, the goddess of the hearth. She sucks. She’s, like, the one that nobody can remember. She tended the hearth. I think being unemployed has a lot to do with this result, since I answered “just chillin’ at home!” for most of the questions. (Link courtesy of Brigita) -
I’m happy. I did five kilometers (just over three miles) on the treadmill today, and I actually ran about 90% of it. I’m doing the Nike Women’s Classic 5K Run next month and my goal is to run the whole thing without stopping. Do any of you runners have training tips for me? What’s the best way to build up your endurance for distance running? (Not that three miles is much for you folks, but it’s a hella long way for me.) Should I concentrate on running the distance faster, or is it better to work on running even farther and just expect the speed to come along with it?
My First Quilt
The quilt is done!
I finished the quilting yesterday and spent all day today finishing the edges. (It took me about ten hours of sewing. Yeah, I now have arthritis.) But it’s done! I even embroidered my initials and the date down in the corner. Snookums is sitting under it on the couch right now. It’s so damn warm! We are gonna put this sucker to good use. It’s suddenly gotten real cold at night. 🙂