Roger Ebert susses out the answer to one of cinema’s greatest riddles: “Are Jay and Silent Bob inspired by C3PO and R2D2?”
Author: Kris
I was just debunking an e-mail forward from my mom about roach eggs in envelope glue when I noticed that the Snopes site has redesigned. Very nice.
This is without a doubt the most annoying Michael Stipe interview I’ve ever read in my life. The author decided that Stipe was too boring and generic so he literally made half of the article up. Parts of it are interesting, but I got quickly tired of reading a section only to find out that the whole thing was fictional. And it goes on for nine pages! But thanks to Max for the e-mail tip. REM news, even when irritating, is always welcome. (Less than week til the new album comes out!)
Which reminds me, I saw them on this British variety show last Friday night called “Later with Jools Holland.” They played a couple of their new songs, and then Michael started talking about that Nelson Mandela concert I wanted to go to the previous weekend. Apparently all the artists were sitting around in the green room or something and suddenly Mr. Mandela came in and asked who’d sing him a song. Michael said, “And so we were, like, ‘Uhh..’ and the Corrs were, like, ‘Uhh…’ and Mel, er, Melanie, uh, C? was like, ‘Uhh…’” I found it really funny that he couldn’t remember which Spice Girl he met. (It was B.)
A Statistical look at the likelihood of an individual being able to go out with Britney Spears. Thanks, John. I needed a good laugh.
Apparently we had a rather disturbing incident in the night… Alex’s cute little red car got broken into! It was right there in front of the house, and somebody completely bent back part of the door to get in! They didn’t take anything though. Bunch o’ animals in this city, I tell you.
In college we always swore by the toothpaste method.
I don’t know about “inhuman punishment”, but I think it’s ridiculous that a convicted train robber can escape from prison, flee the country, live high on the hog in Brazil for almost forty years, and then return to England penniless on his deathbed to reap the benefits of better health care. It seems pointless to put a 70-year-old man in jail again, but it also seems pretty fair.
It looks like I’m actually going to be in Britain for a national election. I can’t vote of course, but I do enjoy making fun of William Hague. I’m looking forward to it.
Well, Blogger seems to be down yet again (for routine maintenance). I’ll take this opportunity to note that I myself am currently working on a PHP/MySQL solution to rid myself of the Blogger shackles forever. We’re getting there folks, but I probably won’t be able to do the bulk of the coding til this weekend. Once it’s up, I’ll share my discoveries with the rest of you…
Congrats Amy!
I am the worst, most horrible sister in the world for not mentioning this sooner, but my little sis Amy graduated from college Sunday. Congratulations, Amer! It’s all downhill from here, kiddo. Love you…
(And YES, I did call her and tell her that in person on Sunday. I was not deluded enough to think she’d just read it on my blog. What kind of a crass, attention-seeking exhibitionist do you think I am? I only mentioned it so you could send her your own salutations. *grin*)