Hey, WVFI is now broadcasting on the Internet!
Author: Kris
Holy Schnikies! This woman is attempting the highest skydive ever: over 31 miles! And she’s not even a Parachutin’ Weasel!
And now for something completely different… “How to Defeat GI Joe”. This completely cracked me up.
Hell freezes over
Lee Corso says, “[If the Irish] get through that schedule with two losses they deserve to play in a BCS game. I’m starting to warm to that man.
It’s dusty in here, isn’t it?
*sniff* Here’s a letter from a nurse who’s worked with Scott Delgadillo, the young Irish fan fighting leukemia. She thanks everybody at the University for supporting him.
Nicely done
The Observer is making up for a crap news day yesterday. AND they endorse Al Gore!
Remember that?!
More on the Finnegan’s raid. There’s even a reference to that guy who got shot back in ’97 walking home from a bar. Remember THAT?
Uh, okay.
Since Sophomore Sibs got cancelled last year, the Sophomore Class has come up with something new: a Class Ball. It’s literally supposed to be, like, Prom for college students.
That sucks.
The Observer is reporting that the Jerusalem program has been cancelled due to Middle East violence. That sucks.