Awww, the South Bend Tribune has a cute article about a West Virginia football player and his feelings about playing Notre Dame. My favorite quote: “[Notre Dame is] always on television. As a young kid, you wonder if those things you’re watching on television really exist. Everything at Notre Dame, the stadium, Touchdown Jesus, the Grotto. It’s like Los Angeles. I’ve never been there.” He actually compared South Bend to LA… Isn’t that adorable?!
Author: Kris
The Pope
You knew it was coming. The Pope may resign.
I think “Elizabeth Scably, U Make Me Hurl!” is the best sign I’ve ever seen in my life. Maybe now she’ll think twice before crossing picket lines.
NOOOOO! Converse nears corporate extinction. Time to stock up on the Chuck Taylors NOW!
Why breast implants are bad – sometimes they burst. Just ask Toni Braxton. *cringing in horror*
After two days of hitting “refresh” on the Observer’s website, I suddenly realized that it’s October Break. Huh. I miss vacations.
Correction: Kel has rightly pointed out that the SAT scores were recentered a few years back… meaning both Al and Dubya more than qualified for ND. Regardless, I still beat both of them. 🙂
Go Antny!
Look everybody! My little brother made the Fort Wayne paper as a “Top Performer” for high school football last week… He caught 3 touchdown passes!
Wow. This is a really interesting essay on breastfeeding. Not something I’ve ever really thought about before… but worth reading, I think.
Politics and brains
I’m in a political mood today. This is cool – Bush’s & Gore’s college grades and SAT scores. In case you couldn’t guess, Al came out ahead. (To be fair, though, neither one of them were exactly shining students.) I looked up Notre Dame’s admission’s info to find out where they ranked against us, and it turns out that while Al is solidly average ND material, Dubya’s below the average range. Also note that Al took eight government courses in school to Bush’s three.