This is a great Scholastic article about ND’s Interhall Football Program. I still think they should let girls hit harder though.
Author: Kris
Weasel Football
Weasel Football News: At long last! The Weasels played Walsh yesterday in the first round of the Playoffs. No word yet on the final score; I’ll let you know as soon as I can. We played Walsh in the regular season but it ended in a 0-0 tie. Offensive Coordinator Steve Baranowski had this to say: “Now, we’ve made a few offensive adjustments. We’ve put in a lot of new plays, and we’re keep[ing] it very close to the vest.” I LOVE THESE GUYS! I’m also looking for a Playoff Schedule. Could the FINAL game possibly be Sunday the 12th? I seem to remember it often being the Sunday after the Parent’s game… And guess what? B.C. is the Parent’s Game!! GO WEASELS! WE WANT TO CHEER YOU ON!
College Park
It looks like College Park may limit the number of students per apartment next year. Former Weasel (turned Off-Campus Benedict Arnold) Erin Place is mentioned in this article. (Just kidding Place… I still love you.) 🙂
Nice. A student who was part of the Bridget’s Bust of ’98 gives advice to the kids appearing in court for the Finnegan’s Bust of 2000. I think this would be a very scary thing to go through, nevertheless.
More politics
GRRR. More Election News: “Gov. Bush will win on issues. The rest of it is static,” says Bush campaign spokesman Tucker Eskew. Uh-huh. Right. Of course, that isn’t stopping the Republicans from airing pro-Nader ads in Wisconsin, Washington, and Oregon in the hopes that Democrats will defect to the Green Party. That pisses me off. Bastards.
Tatts made legal
Massachusetts finally made tattooing legal! This is relevant because sophomore year when we all went to Eileen’s house in Boston for Spring Break, I wanted to get one (a tattoo) to commemorate my 20th birthday and we had to go to Connecticut to find a parlor. Interesting side note: Liz videotaped the entire process (while eating my Big Mac), but I’ve never actually seen the tape. Actually, though, I suppose seeing my big white ass slung over a chair while some guy tattoos the Korean word for “rite of passage” above my bum wouldn’t be that exciting.
Wow! This is an interesting idea! If you’re disillusioned over the coming Presidential election in the same way that I am, it’s probably because you’re A) in a state like Indiana that’s going to go Bush whether you like it or not, thus negating your vote for Gore, or B) you’re in a swing state and would like to vote for Nader, but you’re worried that you’re helping Bush win the overall election. Now you can do something about it! Voteswap 2000 matches up people in “locked-in” states with those in swing states, so the swing vote can go to Gore and the meaningless vote can go to Nader. Thus Al wins and Ralph gets his 5%. It sounds like a win-win situation!
ND wins in OVERTIME? I can’t believe it. Not only did we avenge 1996’s OT loss to Air Force, we did it with an option reverse! That’s TOTALLY a Weasel Football play (and shout out)! I like Bob’s quote about the final minutes of regulation play (when ND had to block a 28-yard field goal to force OT): “Before the kick, I was so calm, I almost passed out.” HA!
Not that I’m trying to sway anybody or anything… but check out IKNOWWHATYOUDIDINTEXAS.COM.
Friday Fun Time
Friday Fun Time. White Cheerleader Epiphanies!” My favorite is: “Sometimes after lunch, when I go to brush and floss in the girls washroom, there are these druggie girls smoking drugs in there. I always say hi, but they never say hi back or anything. I think they must be very sad all the time. I’ll bet that if someone wrote a really good cheer for them, they would stop being such drugged-out sluts.”