Author: Kris

  • Apparently Bobby Knight is giving a talk at my university tomorrow. Seeing as how he just got a new job, the media scrutiny should be pretty intense. Why couldn’t anything interesting happen while I was there?

  • MBTV

    Friday afternoon I got an Instant Message from one of the old-school A-list Dawson’s Creek posters at MightyBigTV. It turns out that a few DCers are putting together an official PaceyPorn page! As I am, of course, the second Google response for that search term, they found web-goddess and wanted to let me know what’s going on. Sweeeet.

  • Whenever I start to get homesick for the U.S., President Bush goes and does something that puts it all back in perspective. Excuse me while I go look up the words to “God Save the Queen”.

  • Every news site on the Web is screaming about the Oscars today, so I figured resistance would be futile. I didn’t watch the actual show (they only show it on cable here, and at some crazy ass early hour of the morning), so I was pretty eager to check the Net and see how I did in Kel‘s contest. Being a lazy sort of person, I had put all my faith in Ebert and used his picks for my own. Suffice it to say, we got our ass(es) kicked. I was glad to see how much the awards had been spread around, but I still think “Gladiator” as Best Film is a total joke. My disappointment on that front was thankfully mitigated, though, by the immense glee I got out of discovering that Kate Hudson lost while wearing an atrocious silver fringed gown. It’s all downhill from here, Penny Lane.

  • Mama Snookums recommended “The Phantom Tollbooth” to me during our visit and I stayed up late one night reading it. It was fantastic. Coincidentally, I was reading NowThis today and came across a link to an interview with Norton Juster, the book’s author. He sounds like an interesting guy…

  • Australia photos are up!

    Relive the entire adventure. I’m warning you though, set aside a bit of free time before you get started. I wasn’t kidding when I said I took a lot of pictures

  • No free taco. My dad will be disappointed.

  • Solondz

    Welcome to the dollhouse...Matt linked to an interview with Todd Solondz, who made the films “Welcome to the Dollhouse” and “Happiness.” Nothing, I repeat, nothing is as funny as my sister doing the Weiner Dog dance. She’s gonna love this.

    I’m actually not a real big fan of either film. “Dollhouse” just hit way, way too close for comfort. To make matters worse, I saw it with a friend who’s a junior high teacher and he guffawed through the whole thing. I just sat there and squirmed. And don’t even get me started on “Happiness.” It’s probably the only film in my life that I’ve ever seriously considered walking out on. I believe that Solondz is a unique artist and that he’s very good at what he does, but I can’t find the humor in such a bleak universe. Other optimists are warned to watch these films at their own peril.

  • What the heck? When did baseball start? What’s wrong with Mike’s knee? Jeez, you leave the hemisphere for two weeks and suddenly you’re out of the loop! That said, Mets in ’01!