Author: Kris

  • Autonomous Post-materialist

    According to the Environics 3SC Survey (which I found on /usr/bin/girl), I’m an Autonomous Post-materialist. I agree with the motivations (personal autonomy and self-fulfillment) and key values (freedom, spontaneity) it lists for me, but not the icons. Dennis Rodman? As if. I do quote Eric Cartman quite a lot, though.

    “I’m, like, up myah, and you guys are, like, down… myah.”

  • Birthday!

    Beware the Ides of March! In a completely blatant and non-subtle ploy for commercial gratification, I added my birthdate and links to my Amazon UK and Amazon US Wishlists to the left-hand column. That’s right, folks, in just over two weeks yours truly crosses the threshold to 24. (What a boring number.) I’ll still be in Oz, so don’t bother ringin’ up, though. The celebrations, for those in Ye Olde London, will be postponed til the end of the month.

  • Ebert

    Roger Ebert’s got a new Movie Answer Man column up. Topics covered include Hannibal, Gladiator, and various Academy Award nominees.

  • Etoys

    R.I.P. Etoys. All you scavengers should dig in before everything’s gone.

  • Poor Chandler

    Matthew Perry’s in rehab again (scroll down). No mention of where or why. Poor Chandler.

  • Beef

    The beef situation just keeps getting worse over here. Now there’s an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease. It really is quite dramatic, with analysts showing maps predicting the spread of the disease and newscasts full of footage of burning animal carcasses. It’s like a bovine version of The Stand or something.

  • Obits

    Matt linked to an interesting article about obituaries today. Coincidentally, my sister types up the obits for the News-Sentinel in Fort Wayne, Indiana. She wrote a poem called “The Obituary Writer” about the thoughts she has when summarizing somebody’s life. It’s pretty good.

  • R.E.M.

    More R.E.M. news is revealed. (Links courtesy of Ghost in the Machine.)

  • Hotlinking

    Some things you might’ve noticed:

    1) I changed the image name of the the Valentine. It shouldn’t hurt anything on your site if you’ve linked to the post, but if you’ve linked to the image, you’ll need to update it. (You’ll see it’s a simple change.) If you’re sucking it down off my site onto your own page, though, you’re gonna get a broken image. Which is your cue to copy it to your own server if you wanna keep it.

    2) I’ve been mucking around with the stylesheet and layout here. Let me know if it creates any problems in your browser. Thanks…

  • Dream Log

    I woke up this morning with the following thought fully-formed in my head: “I need to mention my dream on web-goddess. I was out on a date with Jack Nicholson and we were on the Tube in London and we had to hide from Lara Flynn Boyle, who was working on the platform we were approaching.” The weird thing is, though, I’m not sure whether I actually had that dream (since I can’t remember any of it), or whether I simply made it up and then dreamt about posting it. Isn’t that odd?