Author: Kris

  • Congratulations to my Dad, who just got engaged! Way to go, Pops!

    Yes, web-goddess is one year old today! Isn’t she a lovely baby? Actually I haven’t changed the design at all; that must be some kind of record.

  • New Poll!
    Kris: “Hey, Snookums, I need a new poll for web-goddess. What’s a good question?”
    Snook: “What’s your favorite salad?”
    Kris: “HAHAHAHAHA”

    Yeah, so it just struck me as funny at the time.

  • If you’re interested, I’ve got a list of all the mp3s that the Snook and I have. Just in case you wanna, you know, trade mix CD’s or something. (Yeah, I’m revelling in my new computer’s burning abilities.) 🙂

  • Remember when I mentioned the Mexican Train Station dominoes game the other day? Well, I made my own train station and thought maybe some of you might like to use it for your own game. You can grab it here. Just cut out the circle and then cut notches for the train lines. Have fun!

  • Apple has me drooling again. I just really, really hope that it’s NOT iTunes for Windoze. I mean, 98% of the software in the world only runs on PC’s, so why the hell should Apple users have to share the one cool thing they have that no one else has?

  • It’s a bright, beautiful, sunny, non-humid day. So why am I not at the beach? I’m waiting for the friggin’ dishwasher repairman to arrive. *sigh*

  • Random philosophical question of the day: Say a genie offered you the chance to just fast-forward, like, forty years of your life. You’d remember everything just as if you lived it, and your body would age just as if you lived it, and you’d have all the material possessions you would’ve had as well. The only difference is that you wouldn’t actually have to go through all that. You could just skip it. You’d have lovely memories (and photographs and T-shirts and whatever) to remember the happy bits, and you’d also have distance from all the bad stuff that will inevitably happen. Would you?

    (Snookums and I thought this one up while drinking wine out on our balcony. I think I might go for it, while he would prefer to simply know that he’d be happy at seventy and to then go through life thinking that he had that to look forward to.)

  • I had the medical examination for my visa application today. They have to make sure that I don’t have any expensive diseases that I’m trying to make the Australian Health Service pay for. I had to have an HIV test, and a chest X-ray, and all sorts of other stuff. Luckily I had just managed to shake the rest of the hangover, so I think I passed. Oh, and if there are any sort of quotas based on country of origin, I’m golden. I was the only non-Asian person there, and there were a LOT of people waiting.

  • Notre Dame might actually hire a black coach. Huh. They’ve really been loosening up in the last few years. We had a female Irish Guard member, and a black leprechaun, so it’s not like this is a total surprise. I’m just annoyed that Jessie Jackson will probably feel like he had something to do with it, when in reality the guy is just the best person for the job.