Modern men prefer skinny women. Oh, WHAT. EVER. If that’s the case, you all suck. I’m just glad I found one of the few men who evidently still likes his woman womanly.
Author: Kris
Secret confession: Not only have I been watching Scrubs… I have a total crush on John McGinley. Yeah, he played Bob Slydell in Office Space (the Micheal Bolton fan). I can’t help it! He’s really, like, muscular and funny and stuff! And he’s constantly ripping on the main character, who I find annoying and odd-looking. Yes, I am a John McGinley fan.
I’ve had an e-mail enquiry about when we’re going to begin the next book discussion. We’re supposed to be reading Paul Auster’s Moon Palace. It’s a short book, but I figured people would probably take a long time because of the holidays. So what’s the status? Could all you Book Clubbers (and aspiring Book Clubbers) take a second to comment and say if A) you’ve read it and you’re ready to discuss, B) you haven’t read it but you want to so could we please postpone just a little bit longer?, or C) you’re going to take a pass on this one. (I really do recommend the book though. It’s one of my favorites.)
Hmm. Ebert was less than 100% enthusiastic about The Two Towers. So now I’m in the awkward position of being let down, either by the movie or my favorite critic. What a dilemma.
Ha! Y’all make fun of my knitting, but today I scored big time with it! I was sitting out at the company picnic table on my lunchbreak working on Moire’s Gryffindor scarf when a guy from the office came out for a smoke. He asked me about the scarf and we struck up a conversation. It turns out that he lives about two blocks from me! Not wanting to waste this opportunity, I immediately hit him up for a ride into work. He says “sure” and a carpool is born! That lift home today seriously cut an hour off my commute. Viva la knitting!
Magic Eye + origami = cool. (I’m just bragging because I can see them. Can you?)
Speaking of reality TV – Jeez! I’m just stream-of-consciousness girl here tonight – the Snook and I are now addicted to The Amazing Race. We laughed our asses off when all those teams put unleaded gas in the diesel vans the other night. I’m rooting for both of the brother teams (hot twins and chubby baldies). I like John Vito and Jill too. And how happy was I that Aaron and Arianne are gone? She was the mayor of Whineyville.
Actually, there’s an upside to the whole no-Internet thing. Tomorrow night is the penultimate Survivor, and the finale is airing on Saturday. I figured there was no way I’d remain spoiler-free for two days. But with no Internet, there’s no worry! So there’s a silver lining there. (Don’t any of you dare think of spoiling it in a comment here! I’ll ban you for life!)
The one drawback of my new job is the draconian lock they have on our Internet usage. Five minutes after I sat down at my desk, I tried to hit web-goddess to show it to my office mate. Instead I got a big “Warning! You’re trying to access a non-work site! We’re watching you!” message. I was like, “Huh? You mean I’ve got to go eight hours without checking my e-mail or reading the news?” As Snookums put it later that night, “A whole day of just work? I’d go mad.” What’s worse is that for my job, I need to research quite a random group of sites. For instance, today I needed some pictures of boats for a project. An hour later, my boss came by to ask why I’d been surfing the Navy’s website. That’s how closely they’re watching us. It’s spooky. So no workday surfing or posting for me, sadly. 🙁
First day of work! Here we go…
Eight hours later: It was good. Another girl (a graphic designer) was starting too, so I made a friend right off the bat. Then we discovered that we’re both sharing the same makeshift office (a meeting room) until the whole company moves over Christmas. We went through the usual induction type stuff, and then the rest of the day was spent getting our brand new PCs ready and figuring out what we’re going to be working on. My tasks at the moment? Write a choose-your-own-adventure story and create some printable board games. How cool is that! I’m so glad to be moving back into the creative stuff and away from programming.
Though I’m reliant on public transport, the commute isn’t terrible. I made it home in one hour tonight, but that was with a lift from the office to the train station. On normal days I’ll probably have to tack a 20 minute walk onto there. (I could bus it, but I figure the exercise will do me good.) Actually I only have to do that for a week, and then once we move into the new building I’ll have a new route. Again, probably looking at an hour or so. Strangely I don’t mind it as much as I did in London. There’s just something about riding over the Sydney Harbour Bridge that lifts the spirits, you know? (Plus I plan to utilize the time productively, i.e. knitting.)
The biggest shock of the day? The receptionist who let me in this morning is a chick from Ohio! We had some Midwestern bonding. It’s so neat to finally meet some people that aren’t just friends of the Snook’s.