Today’s Flash Fun: You have to try this weird Japanese game called Roomania that the Snook found. I had no idea what the instructions say, but basically you’re presented with scenes from a person’s house and you have to click on these little tiny people hidden in the picture. There’s a counter at the bottom that tells you how many you have left before the timer runs out. You can zoom in too. (Tip: play it with the sound on. The little guys yell at you if you mouseover them.) I’ve tried like ten times and I can’t get past level three, while the Snook claims he finished it on his third try. Come on, one of you guys has to be able to beat him…
Author: Kris
I’m too happy to write in a clever way, so I’ll just spell it out: I GOT A JOB! I had the interview this morning. (I didn’t mention it for fear I’d jinx it.) I start next Tuesday! That’s right, after 431 days I will finally be returning to the 9-5 grind. Seriously, you guys, this is a major boost to my self-esteem. Now the sun is shining and so am I. Go me. 🙂
What’s the title of the story? You know, the science-fiction story about the school kids in the future in the place where it always rains and then one day out of, like, every 50 years the sun comes out? And they lock a girl in the closet and she misses it? Well anyway, Sydney is like the reverse of that right now. I woke up in the middle of the night wondering what the strange noise was. It was rain. It’s been drizzling all morning too. I can tell our flowers and plants are just soaking it up. It’s so weird to see puddles in the road. It’s odd to me that this weather condition – which was the frickin’ norm in London – is now so foreign to me. Moral of the story? Don’t take your rain for granted.
Holy crap, Netdeciders! I just discovered that everyone’s favorite ginger-haired gimp has a weblog! (Check out the e-mail address if you can’t figure out his identity.) How did I miss that for so long?
Updated: Also check out this, this, and this. Maybe we should start a webring or something. 🙂
Happy belated birthday to Mia!
omphaloskepsis: contemplation of one’s navel as an aid to meditation
That’s my new favorite word. Wouldn’t it make a great title for a weblog?
Recursive Portrait
Recursive Portrait. Well, my mind is officially blown for the day. (Link courtesy of John.)
Can you sniff out the Hoax Photos? I got 9 out of 10 on the first level, and 7 out of 10 on the second. I was a little confused at times, though, whether it was the image or the caption that I was supposed to be judging. I think it’s just whether you think the image has been altered.
The Snook sent me a link to, like, the weirdest Flash movie ever. It’s sort of a tribute to Mario Brothers. I liked the music, but the “potty break” bit is a little gross. (<nerd>I played Super Mario Bros. so much on the original NES that I could defeat the game without dying once.</nerd>)
Thursday we got the Survivor clip show, which – by my reckoning – means we’re still one week behind the U.S. Right? Good grief, I’ll never be able to avoid the final episode spoilers. I should just give in now.