Author: Kris

  • It’s two minutes to kickoff… and it’s three in the morning. *yawn* Go Irish.

    Update: HEART ATTACK.

    • 8:30 into the game – Internet connection completely dies
    • 8:32 – I frantically check every connection
    • 8:33 – I run upstairs and restart the modem several times
    • 8:34 – still dead
    • 8:35 – I reluctantly wake the Snook, who has no ideas
    • 8:40 – I try to find the number for our ISP to call and complain
    • 8:41 – I am unsuccessful
    • 12:00 – I call my friends in the US for a score update
    • End of first quarter – I give up and decide to go to bed
    • One second later – Internet comes back!

    This game is a shocker already and it’s only one-fourth of the way through. At least I’m awake now.

    Game over! Oh my god. ND 34, FSU 24. (It should’ve been 34-10, but whatever.) The sun has risen on a world with Notre Dame championship aspirations. I’m going to go try to pry my contacts off my eyeballs and hit the sack. What a night.

  • Running a mile in just over 11 minutes? Nine months of hard work…

    Finishing 5K in 38:30, when it took me 45:44 last June? Four months of pounding on the treadmill…

    Having one of the hard-core weightlifter guys congratulate me after my run and observe that I’ve lost a bit of weight over the past few months? Bloody priceless.

  • Buffy makes you smart. I just received today’s word of the day and it’s “kakistocracy”. Without even reading the definition, I knew that it meant “government by the worst of the worst.” How did I know that? Season 3, Episode 3. The villain is a big guy with cloven feet named “Kakistos”. Guess I’m done with the book learnin’!

  • A German tourist escaped the Bali blast only to be killed by a crocodile in Australia ten days later. Talk about bad luck.

  • Rest in peace, Professor Dumbledore. That’s really sad. I wonder who they’ll get to replace him?

  • Apple will be selling iPods in Best Buy and Target for Christmas. Damn. On one hand I think it’s the best mp3 player available and I want everybody in the world to acknowledge that. On the other, if everybody’s got one mine won’t be so special anymore! It’s the eternal Mac-enthusiasts paradox.

  • Happy’s Place

    Happy’s Place: The E! True Hollywood Story. Ha! Not really. Actually it turns out that the show was just as innocent and corny as we all thought. I did get a kick out of Happy’s anecdotes about the girl who peed on television and kids turning into “puke geysers”. And hey! It turns out Steve Shine wasn’t the voice of Froggy after all. Who knew? Man, this puts me in the mood for some Thundercats and Inspector Gadget reruns. (Link courtesy of Moire, who’s also bitter about never having been on the show.)

  • Friday Five:

    1. What is your favorite scary movie?
    I don’t really like scary movies. I have an overactive imagination and they freak me out. I did force myself to see The Sixth Sense, though, and I liked that a lot.

    2. What is your favorite Halloween treat?
    Contrary to what my Mom remembers, it is NOT those marshmallow scary cat things (i.e. Peeps). I was always a fan of the mini-candy bar, preferably Snickers, Butterfinger, or Baby Ruth. Sure, they’re more expensive than Bit-O-Honey (*shudder*) or Double Bubble (*horrors*), but a neighbor who hands out the good stuff is a neighbor who’s not gonna get egged. Remember that, grown-ups.

    3. Do you dress up for Halloween? If so, describe your best Halloween costume.
    Not anymore. My best costume, the one that actually won an award, was “Large”. That’s right, the concept of largeness. Two of my friends and I were trying to come up with cheap costumes for the Senior Bar contest during our last year of college. We noticed that I was about a foot taller than the second girl, who was a foot taller than the third girl. Voila! We each grabbed a white T-shirt and wrote our designated letter (“S”, “M”, and “L”) on the front. Then we just walked around in a group all night. We didn’t win at the campus bar, but we did win third prize at the local gay bar’s drag show! Ah, good times.

    4. Do you enjoy going to haunted houses or other spooky events?
    No. As I said above, I’m a big ol’ scaredy cat. I much prefer sitting at home and watching all the Halloween-themed sitcom episodes.

    5. Will you dress up for Halloween this year?
    Extremely doubtful. The local bar where we play trivia is having a costume contest, but apparently it’s just for scary costumes. And other than that, I haven’t seen a single Halloween event advertised here. So no trick-or-treat for Kristy this year! 🙁

  • The fourth episode of Survivor airs here tonight, and I’ve got the VCR set. (What one are you Americans on, anyway?) And check this out: I’m the #1 Google result for “I hate Robb”! Isn’t that sweet?

  • Tell Britney to eat something!It’s been awhile since we’ve worked up some righteous feminist anger, girls. Check this out. A reporter at the Newcastle Herald inspired a protest recently with his column about his distaste for “belly blubber” (i.e. girls heavier than Britney Spears that dare to expose their midriffs). Look, I’m no skinny minnie (yet) and I certainly don’t go around flaunting my stomach. In fact, I think it looks ridiculous on most people. But how in the world can you read something like “At an age when girls should be striving to be pleasing to the eye, the male eye, these young women were going to serious lengths to expose an acre of wobbling excess. Haven’t they looked in the mirror?” and not see red? What an ass. He sounds like such a troll, he probably shouldn’t even be dignified with a response. That said, I love this photo of one of the protestors. How great is that? I’m making that my new tagline.