Author: Kris

  • About damn time! I called the bookstore today to gripe about my still absent copy of Coraline and they informed me it arrived two weeks ago. What?? Evidently I missed the e-mail or something. Anyway, the Snook picked it up on his lunch break and I should have it in my hands in a matter of minutes. It’s a quick read, right? Is everybody on track to start the discussion in, say, a week?

  • Check out these Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets character promo posters. What the hell is that next to Ron? Is that supposed to be one of the mandrakes? (Link courtesy of Steve.)

  • I always wondered how old people keep their dentures in place. I never thought it involved a button though. *shudder* That’s the funniest – and grossest – thing I’ve read in a while. (Link courtesy of Chris.)

  • HOLY CRAP. The first Bowl Championship Series rankings are out and Notre Dame is sitting at #3! Can you believe that? We’re one spot from playing for the national friggin’ championship! (I think the fact that the BCS dropped “margin of victory” from the calculations this year helped us out a lot.) So I guess I’ll definitely be pulling an all-nighter this weekend to hear the Florida State game. If any of y’all are at your computers during it, instant message me to keep me awake. 🙂

  • RDF

    I posted another interview with Roald Dahl over at my Dahl site. He just cracks me up. I mean, he out and out lies! He’s still claiming he got “shot down” over Libya during World War II, when in fact he ran out of gas and crash landed. He also pontificates on why he “never” wrote a novel, when in reality he tried one early in his career and it was a colossal flop. What a crotchety old egocentric man. (I did like the part where he ripped on the craptacular Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.)

  • They’ve finally started airing Vanilla Coke commercials here Down Under, and they all star… Chazz Palminteri. Seriously. Did he do them in the States too, or is this one of those “as-long-as-they-don’t-show-it-in-America” type things?

  • The Snook’s job has too many damn perks. First he got to see Spider-Man in a sneak preview weeks before I did. Now he tells me that he’s been invited to a beer-tasting event hosted by a local micro-brewery tonight. He continues, “What’s more, Nema (the marketing dude) has an invite for the Cleo magazine swimsuit pool party afterwards and invited us to that too. Hank [his co-worker] and I said no because we are whipped.” Isn’t that sweet?

  • New Poll: How will you be celebrating Halloween this year? I’m feeling rather sad since it’s not really that big of a deal in Australia. They don’t even trick-or-treat! Apparently adults might have Halloween parties, but it’s pretty strictly limited to “scary” costumes (which takes a lot of the fun out of it, I think). I haven’t seen a *single* Halloween-themed item in the grocery store. No candy, no decorations, no pumpkins even! I might have to carve a squash just to satisfy my festive urge.

  • Learning to Knit

    I can knit!Check out what I learned today – I can knit! Well, I can cast on and do a basic stitch anyway, thanks to the groovy book Ma Snook sent me. Now I’m itching to do more. I definitely need a new bag, and there are some extremely cute patterns available on the ‘Net. (I’m loving the first one and last one of those.) I also found some hats I might have to make for the folks back home for Christmas. These two look easy and stylish enough. And how cool would it be to make my sister a devil hat? She’d love that!

  • This is the funniest thing I’ve seen in ages: Name That Beard! I got 7/10 correct. Be sure to have the sound on; the theme song (and the clips they play for each answer) are the best part. I shot Diet Coke out of my nose on the last one. 🙂