Shhh! My brain is still dealing with the after-effects of last night’s drinking session, so I’m going to put it to bed. Don’t wake the baby.
Author: Kris
Ahh, baseball. It looks like my Mets could have a good year! They certainly got off to a great start against their hated rivals. (And no, I’m not playing Fantasy Baseball this season. I learned my lesson when I got spanked in my league last year.)
Hey, click on this link and add your location to the map! It correctly guessed that I was in Sydney, yet for some reason the dot it added for me was in California. Go figure.
Update: Don’t bother. It got linked everywhere today and the resulting traffic killed it.
Friday Five:
Huh. These are all about daily routines. You guys (that is, the gainfully employed ones) are gonna hate my answers. 🙂1. What are the first things that you do in the morning to start your day?
Well, the Snook and I generally wake up about 9:30 or so. Most days he gets up before me and I snooze for another hour. I go to the bathroom and then plop down on the couch with my laptop. He’ll be at the desk, already signed on. Then we do our little morning computer rituals. He reads his Slashdot; I catch up on Metafilter. After an hour or so we munch some breakfast. That’s about it. Neither of us are morning people. We function much better in the evenings. Even in London we’d never make it into work before 10 a.m.2. What are the last things that you do at night before going to bed?
Wee, take out my contacts, brush my teeth, drink of water, and then into bed. I used to read a lot before going to sleep, but since the Snook dozes off as soon as his head hits the pillow, I’ve been cutting it back.3. What daily routine have you recently added to your day?
Searching through the want ads. Oh, and Days of Our Lives on Channel 9 from 12:00 – 1:00.4. What routine do you wish you get rid of?
Probably putting in/taking out my contacts. It’s always been a bit of a hassle, and right now it’s allergy season so my eyes are really red and sensitive. One of these days I’m just gonna get Lasix surgery, I swear.5. What’s the one thing that makes you feel like something is missing if you don’t do it some point within your day?
This is gonna be totally cheesy, but if I don’t get enough smoochies from my boy during the morning, I feel “off” the rest of the day. -
The Snook and I finally saw The Royal Tenenbaums tonight. I didn’t like it as much as Ebert did. I seriously think I might have liked it more if every single actor in it hadn’t been so recognizable. Instead it was a steady stream of “Look at Gwyneth Paltrow being so un-Gwyneth Paltrow-like!” and “Gee, isn’t if funny how Ben Stiller keeps wearing the same tracksuit?” Their characters were based on costumes and gimmicks, and I couldn’t find a single person to like or identify with. I also have a history of not liking movies without plots (and this one didn’t have much of one). If any of you really liked it, can you explain why?
(Clarification: I’m not saying I didn’t like it. It was entertaining. It wasn’t my favorite movie of the year, though, and I think I only laughed out loud maybe once, as opposed to the guy behind me who guffawed all the way through it. What did he get that I didn’t get??)
Apparently having Bono as a character witness was a good defense strategy. Peter Buck got acquitted of those air rage charges. I’m not sure if I believe his “non-insane automatism” excuse, though.
Kristen Dunst is not dating Tobey Maguire. Thus spake Yahoo!. Apparently the Tobester can cry on command, though, which doesn’t do a lot to dispel the “freak” image I have of him.
I found a possible job! Cross your fingers for me…
That last post got me thinking about “The Frug” and how I haven’t seen his show in ages. So I hit Google and found out why. Whoa. Am I the only one who didn’t know about this? There’s even a “Jump the Shark” page devoted to the show. I’m in total shock here.
The Chicago Sun-Times gets in on the Nigella Lawson love-fest. Are British chefs sexier than American ones? (Personally, I always had a crush on Craig, the Frugal Gourmet’s hot young assistant.) Martha Stewart fans might be amused with the “Nigella vs. Martha” comparison chart at the end of the article. Nigella, for example, is “deep conditioner” to Martha’s “hot glue”. My favorite? Nigella: “Dresses as if she loves men.” Martha: “Dresses as if she loves horses.” Hee!