Author: Kris

  • Punk Fui

    Brigita found a great article called “Punk Fui” that explains the basic principles of feng shui. According to that, our “money” corner is filled with dustbunnies and an overloaded power outlet. That doesn’t sound good. Our “marriage” corner, on the other hand, is where our two computers sit in networked harmony. That’s pretty appropriate, I think.

  • Opening Night

    Last night was the opening night for the play. There was a decent sized crowd (though only four of them were people un-related to the production), and the actors really kicked it up a notch. It went great! The Snook seemed to enjoy it a lot. Hopefully our word of mouth is going to increase and we’ll have a good sized house through the weekend.

  • Walk Against Want

    The Snook and I have decided to do the Walk Against Want this year. It’s a 15 kilometer walk through Sydney for Oxfam Community Aid Abroad. The walk is supposed to “raise money and show support for poor people in developing countries and Indigenous people in Australia”. We need to start collecting pledges from people, so let me know if you’d like to participate. (Hey Americans, thanks to the exchange rate your dollar goes twice as far here, so you don’t need to donate a lot to make a real impact.) If you want to help us out, leave a comment or drop me an e-mail. Every little bit helps!

    P.S. Woohoo! My first real athletic “event” since college. I was just gonna do the 5km version on my own, but then the Snook said he’d be willing to partner me for the big one. That’s about ten miles, folks! So wish us luck… It’s gonna be a long walk.

  • Gross

    Titanic Super SlideI’ve been meaning to blog this for ages. Have you guys seen the Titanic Super Slide? I first learned about it last year when my Dad reported that they had one at the County Fair back home. It’s an actual giant inflated Titanic ship, half sunk in the “water”, that you climb up in order to slide down the “deck”. Just like when those wacky Irish steerage passengers did it in the movie! Isn’t that fun, kids? I couldn’t believe it. In the end I chalked it up to Indiana bad taste. (Not that we Hoosiers have nothing but bad taste, but hey, we elected Dan Quayle.) But guess what I saw here in Sydney at Fair Day a few weeks ago? The damn Titanic Super Slide! Am I the only one that finds the concept of turning a historical tragedy into a children’s fairground attraction appalling? What’s next, the “Leap from the Hindenburg Bungee Jump”? The “Escape the Black Plague Haunted House”? *shudder*

  • The Little OS

    The Little OS. A charming picture story for children and Mac zealots. (Link courtesy of John.)

  • HTML

    I bailed on the “quilt” task. Instead I finished the new website for the play I’m helping with. Wow, it was good to work those rusty HTML muscles.

  • Unplug

    Gah. I finally got on the ‘Net tonight and I was thinking it’d been days since I posted last. Instead it was less than 24 hours. I need to unplug. I’m gonna go work on my quilt for awhile.

  • Phil

    Prince Philip did it again. This guy is hilarious. He’s, like, the English version of Dubya… except he was making embarrassing verbal faux pas years before the Bushes took office.

  • Xtina

    They’re just now broadcasting the Grammy Awards here in Australia. The Snook and I were half-watching the “Lady Marmalade” performance when I asked, “Where the hell is Christina Aguilera? She was billed as performing, and she hasn’t come out yet and the song’s almost over!” And the Snook said, “Isn’t that her over on the far left?” Me: “No, that’s some black chick.” Him: “I think that’s her.” Me (squinting): “Holy crap! That is her! Geez, lay off the self-tanner!” Seriously, she looks scarier every time I see her.

  • Graph paper

    It’s not a particularly fun link or anything, but here’s a site with lots of graph paper that you can print out at home. It came to my rescue today when I was trying to lay out the quilt I’m making. (Yeah, you heard that right.) Anyway, it’s a useful site to have bookmarked.