Rodd and I are heading to the Immigration Office to turn in my visa application. I’m so stressed I’m developing a cold sore. Best case scenario: they give me the permanent residency today. Probable scenario: we turn it in and they take a while to decide. Worst case scenario: I get turned down and have to leave Australia in a week. Yeah, that would really suck. So cross your fingers for us today!
Update: Well, it wasn’t as bad as I expected. Our case worker explained that my application looked great and that I would’ve been instantly approved, except that all Americans have to undergo an extensive background check. And apparently the U.S. authorities are using September 11 as an excuse to be, like, months behind in processing them. So anyway, they gave me a “bridging” visa which allows me to stay here until they can give me a final verdict. They also granted me permission to work, which means that the Snook and I are finally going to join the job hunt in earnest. So ultimately things look very good, but I’m just going to have to wait a while to get the official stamp.