Author: Kris

  • The new Imperial VW Beetle AT-ATStar Wars: Designer Edition. I love this! I’ve got the AT-AT as my desktop wallpaper. I’m also a fan of the new Millennium Falcon. (Link courtesy of usr/bin/girl.)

  • The gold industry is reportedly “fighting back against a consumer preference for other precious metals.” Personally, I just think that gold is a bit… old, you know? It reminds me of old ladies. Platinum and silver just seem a bit younger and more modern. (The only thing gold I wear is my class ring, and that’s just because it was the tradition at my school.) Didn’t Audrey Hepburn say that she couldn’t wear gold until she was forty or something in “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”?

  • My favorite was the Scottish tartan.

  • This Blogger situation is a bit ridiculous. It’s just gone down for the second time today. That settles it. Come Monday, I will be free. Oh yes, I will be free.

  • “Is that your phone? No? Well it isn’t mine. Who the heck…? Oh, sod it, it’s a bird!”

  • With everything, there are trade-offs. Sure, they’re putting open-air urinals in Trafalgar Square. But they’re also licensing classical musicians as buskers to play in Tube Stations. Maybe civilisation isn’t quite in the toilet just yet.

  • Eeb’s definitely got me excited to see “Moulin Rouge”. (Well, I was already pretty excited, given that Ewan McGregor plays a lovestruck poet who sings Madonna songs, but at least now I can back up my enthusiasm with a critical review.) He also liked “A Knight’s Tale”, which every other critic has been crapping on left and right. If Eeb says it’s okay, I’ll give it a look.

  • Gael found a great link today: the Douglas Coupland Dictionary. I’ve read all of his books, and I have to say Microserfs is the best. Girlfriend in a Coma is interesting too, if only for the constant references to nearly every song the Smiths ever wrote. (Oddly, none of the reviewers on Amazon seemed to catch this.)

  • Bloody Blogger is down again. Now I’m stuck between coding my new weblogging software this weekend OR enjoying this. I guess I could always lug the iMac down to the backyard… 🙂

  • Open-air urinals in Trafalgar Square. I repeat, OPEN-AIR URINALS IN TRAFALGAR BLOODY SQUARE. Animals in this city, I tell you. Animals.