Author: Kris

  • I’ve been on a Roger Ebert craze lately. I just like the way the man writes. He’s also redeemed himself in my eyes a little bit with this article on the Internet.

    “The Internet is in economic crisis, but its brilliance and audacity continue to amaze me. The stories of its decline are stories about money, not technology or communication. If millions of investors felt compelled to throw their cash insanely at Internet investments that made zero economic sense, is that an indictment of the Internet, or a demonstration that they were greedy herd animals?”

    I’ll be so happy once the Net returns to the “everybody giving away something for free” model and all the capitalist pigs go home. (That’s a bit extreme, but I’m enjoying the fact that I can now make such statements without being a dotcom-working latte-sipping hypocrite.) 🙂

  • Some readers call out Roger Ebert for ripping on Zoolander.

  • Hmmm… I go to Ireland for the weekend, and the Fighting Irish finally win one. Coincidence?

  • I’m off to Dublin, kids. Play nice and I’ll show you my pictures when I get back…

  • Listening a song that perfectly captures my mood right now:

    Here’s wishing you the bluest sky
    And hoping something better comes tomorrow
    Hoping all the verses rhyme,
    And the very best of choruses to
    Follow all the drudge and sadness
    I know that better things are on the way.

    I know you’ve got a lot of good things happening up ahead.
    The past is gone, it’s all been said.
    So here’s to what the future brings,
    I know tomorrow you’ll find better things.
    I know tomorrow you’ll find better things…

    – Dar Williams

  • I GOT IT! I GOT IT! Oh my God! I am leaving Netdecisions! Here’s how it went down: yesterday I was shocked to hear that Christian, a fellow front end developer, had gotten “the letter”. He hasn’t been here long, but he’s quickly become one of the leaders of the group. It was a huge shock and he was upset about having to leave. I talked to him last night and we half-joked about the possibility of doing a switch (me for him). I told him to feel free to mention me during his meeting today. Well, he just came back from it and they accepted! The Snook’s going to set up a meeting for himself now. Either way, we’re gone, baby. THIS IS FANTASTIC NEWS!

  • That bug seems to be still firmly lodged up Ebert’s ass. This week he rips on John Cusack’s new film.

  • How well do you know your fundamentalist hate-mongers? Take the Falwell-Robertson-Bin Laden Quiz. I only got 8 out of 20 correct. On the page with the answers, be sure to read the context of the very last one. I couldn’t believe it. (Link courtesy of Steve.)

  • Wow. You know that Greyhound bus crash this week, where the driver’s throat was slashed? He survived. I thought he was one of the six who died. That’s amazing.

  • Well, I’m still here. Whether that will be true at the end of the day remains to be seen.