I’m refreshingly naïve. That article would be even funnier if I didn’t resemble it so much.
Author: Kris
Corey Haim
Max pointed me to the truth about Corey Haim, who I adored so much as an adolescent that I even once considered buying a “Big Bopper” magazine just to get his poster. I ask you, out of all the stars in License to Drive, how is it that Heather Graham has become the biggest star? Oh yeah, she’s a hoochie-mama.
South American fire ants are spreading through Australia, causing irreparable crop and environmental destruction. Just what I wanna hear while I’m planning to migrate. Has anybody else read a story called “Leiniken and the Ants”? I seem to remember reading it in high school about a guy who tries to defend his plantation from these things and ends up getting killed. I can’t seem to find any references to it on the Net though. Maybe I’m spelling it wrong…
Depressing. I just did a quick count on my Last Searches page and determined that out of the last 100 Google searches that led to this site, 82* of them were of a pornographic nature. 82%, folks. Is that what the Internet is all about? Ugh. I feel dirty. Time to shut down for the night, methinks.
* You might count them differently. I included any search that mentioned “Lolita” in a non-academic context in the count, as well as any search mentioning one of the Hilton sisters. (In my experience, every search related to them is sex-related.) I didn’t, however, count the people looking for dodgy software cracks, which is just as disgusting in a different sort of way. And I didn’t count several vague searches for “goddess”, although the original intent of those searchers is open for debate. So really I could’ve said that, like, 90% of the searches I get are of a prurient or immoral nature. Great.
Heh. Here’s that auction my Dad wanted me to try to win for him. Sorry, Pops. I’m afraid your dream of watching MJ with Spike will have to go unfulfilled. It’s up to a hundred grand now, and though my severance package was pretty phat, it wasn’t that phat.
Woohoo! ND beat USC for, like, the bazillionth time. Not to downplay it though, because we are 3-3 now. Hooray for .500, baby! In more yawn-worthy news, Paterno finally broke the record. Wasn’t he supposed to do that a year ago? Penn State sucks.
I’m doing some research for my Dahl site when I came across this list of Twenty Characters You Should Know. There were only a couple that I hadn’t heard of. Who are Hans Brinker, Mafatu, and Mr. Popper? Are they before/after my generation, or did I just somehow miss them?
This could very well be the weirdest hobby I’ve ever heard of. Honestly.
Anybody else use iTunes? I’m really happy with it for the most part, but there’s one thing that pisses me off. Snookums and I have a shared mp3 library that resides on our house server. We’re always adding more songs to it. The problem is that everytime that happens, I have to trash my whole iTunes Library and re-add everything. Why can’t I designate a folder to have it automatically scan when it starts up and add any new songs it finds? Otherwise I never know he’s added stuff until he tells me.
I am becoming SUCH the bored housewife. What have I done now, you ask? Oh, simply tried to get on a gameshow. Who wants to be a millionaire, Chris? You’re damn right, I do.