Korean Feast Update: Since my mom asked, the dinner party went very well. My obsessive-compulsive need to fret and stress about every little thing was balanced nicely by Snookums’s chilled out attitude. For example, I was freaking out earlier that day imagining that I wouldn’t have enough food to feed eight people. Snookums came to my rescue by suggesting that we pick up some bread and hummus to serve as appetizers. (Mmmm, hummus.) In the end, of course, we had about three times as much food as we needed and we’ll be eating the leftovers all week. Which is fine by us, because my eggrolls are damn good. Overall it was a fun send-off for Kel, who should be arriving home in the U.S. about now.
Author: Kris
Snookums and I had a laugh this morning reading “Boo! And the 100 Other Dumbest Moments in e-Business History“. His favorite was #70, but I have to go with Bill at #88. (I’m happy to report that none of my company’s projects managed to make the list.)
Hooray! My domain nameservers have finally been updated and they should be propagating down to your own ISPs as we speak. (Actually, if you can read this, you’re already soaking in it.) And check out my fancy-pants new design! It’s not a huge change, but I like it. There’s a poll in the works too that will slot nicely into that column on the left… just as soon as I can figure out MYSQL.
Just checking my referrers for more disturbing search requests (today’s was “giant breasts UK“) and came across a new ‘blog that links to me: NIMISIS. So I thought I’d return the favor.
I feel bad for the Countess of Wessex, but what did I say yesterday? It’s all about propriety. The English don’t care if their Royal Family are mad as hatters, as long as they don’t make it obvious in public. Poor Sophie was just the victim of some spectacularly bad judgment.
“CBS Says Fox’s ‘Boot Camp’ Is ‘Survivor’ Rip-Off.” Well, duh. The only thing funnier than that title is a quote from an unnamed CBS insider about the lawsuit the network is filing: “This is a serious attempt to stop anyone, both now and in the future, from ripping off the family jewels.” Do you think he meant to say that?!
Mike, the party’s over. Nobody wants to see you come back and make a fool out of yourself. Take up fishing or something.
Dear All Other Countries (But Especially China), I’m sorry about my stupid f***ing president. Yours truly, Kristine Howard.
Are you sorry? Do you wish to apologize “in the name of our soulless nation and leader”? Visit this site. I’m #1785. -
Some crazy “wanderer” damaged the Liberty Bell with a hammer. The loonies always ruin everything.
I think the American press is actually more interested in Sophie Rhys-Jones’s comments about the Royal Family than the British are. I mean, I’ve read over what she supposedly said and I pretty much agree with all of it. Tony Blair is very presidential. Cherie Blair is a horrid woman. (An irreverant late-night fake news program portrays her very accurately as an animated frog.) William Hague does look deformed. Nobody would be surprised if Charles married Camilla after the Queen Mum dies. The British don’t care exactly what she said; it’s that she said it at all. The higher your class, the less you talk about yourself. The whole concept of her babbling away to a “sheik” (a disguised tabloid reporter) about sensitive family issues just smacks of the lower classes. As an American, I found this British attitude very difficult to understand at first. Unfortunately I seem to be absorbing it unconsciously… I can’t define the class structure for you, but I can definitely sense when it’s been violated.