What, doesn’t everyone get excited to take selfies with cloud infrastructure?! 😂 I’m at the AWS Summit Tokyo checking out an AWS Outposts rack and all three generations of AWS Nitro system cards!
#aws #cloud #infrastructure
What, doesn’t everyone get excited to take selfies with cloud infrastructure?! 😂 I’m at the AWS Summit Tokyo checking out an AWS Outposts rack and all three generations of AWS Nitro system cards!
#aws #cloud #infrastructure
If you want your own #awsdress sticker, you’ll have to come find me at the Developer Lounge Community Kiosk at the #AWSSummitTokyo today! Right under the ExpoA sign. 🇯🇵❤️👗
The first 24hrs in Tokyo (Chiba, to be specific). Amazing toilets, sunshine, excellent food, beers at an izakaya, missing Germany, “See, this is why the public transportation is intimidating!” 🇯🇵😂❤️🍻
Next stop – Tokyo! 🇯🇵
TFW you order the blue beer, and your mates are skeptical af. 🍻
Petey and I are watching the 1964 TV version of “Once Upon a Mattress”. He’s a big fan of Carol Burnett. 👸
Ottolenghi’s Boulangère lamb with potatoes, onions, and fennel. Because it’s not enough that the Snook cooks me wonderful food— every now and then I have to say, “Hey, I saw a tasty looking recipe in the Guardian the other day…” 😂❤️
I think these socks win the prize for the longest time from start to finish, and they probably also set a record for the number of times I frogged and restarted! My initial cast-on was way back in April 2021 – back when I was still livestreaming my knitting – and I finally handed them over to the Snook yesterday.
The yarn is Drover Self-Striping from Colagirl Collective that I bought from Convent & Chapel many years ago. I can’t find any record of the colorway name or number, but the lime/grey/black reminded me of Minecraft. My original plan was to do the Undulating Rib socks, but I realised after casting on that it was fighting with the self-striping. So eventually I frogged them and started over. I settled on a simple broken-rib pattern, which gave a sort of pixelation effect and kept me from being too bored. :
Row 1: *K2, P2* repeat to end
Row 2 & 4: Knit
Row 3: *P2, K2* repeat to end
I knitted them toe-up with a circular needle (using the Magic Loop technique). Normally I prefer to knit both at the same time, but the wool was pre-balled and I had no way to access the other end. That meant I had to knit them one-at-a-time, and of course I lost my notes during the long gap after finishing the first one. It was only really an issue on the heel, which I decided to knit using a traditional gusset and heel flap (but in reverse). I suspect that my numbers are slightly different on the two of them, but I was already knitting these as fairly baggy house socks so I figure a few stitches either way doesn’t really matter.
The Snook was pretty happy to receive these, as the weather has turned decidedly Autumnal and the floors are feeling a bit cool in the mornings!
We went to check out @fortresssydney today – the largest video game entertainment and e-sports venue in the Southern Hemisphere. We ate in the Tavern and played board games. 🍻🃏
Easter HCB choc chip bread pudding, made by the Snook!