Post-theater izakaya dinner at Nakano Darling. I missed having easy access to excellent Asian food! Karaage chicken, corn cheese, gyoza, and beer. 🍻
Author: Kris
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I bought this H&M dress in Munich before we left but didn’t have an occasion to wear it until now! 👗
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A trip to the Opera House to see Michael Sheen in Amadeus! 😍
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So lovely to finally catch up with @jpofoz and @_gadgetgirl_! We always pick up right where we left off. Missed these ladies… ❤️🍷🧀
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Is there an escaped herd of elephants running through Sydney?
Nope. Kris got a mechanical keyboard. 😍💥
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The neighbours across the street have been feeding the rainbow lorikeets. That was charming and very “We’re not in Munich anymore!” for, oh, one day. Since then it’s been three weeks of constant screeching of parrots every time we open a door or window. 😩
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On days like today, it’s hard to remember why we ever wanted to live anywhere else!
We don’t talk about Backstreet… 🎵
Every New Year’s, there’s a happy moment when I remember that the latest Best of Bootie compilation is out! We’ve been listening to it for the last hour, and my favourites are definitely “We don’t talk about Backstreet” and “Take it as it was.”
And OMG we just got to the last track and I did not expect that. 😂
Braiding your yarn ends for fairisle
Huh. I just learned a new knitting technique from Reddit, of all places! Rather than weaving in all the ends from your fairisle colour changes, you leave them long and then you essentially French braid them down the seam on the inside.
What the video doesn’t show is what happens at the end. Presumably you have some length of braid from your last few changes, and you… what? Put a rubber band on the end and have it hanging outside your sleeve? 😂 I’m guessing it’s something like: “fold it back on itself and weave the last few bits back into the braid,” but it’s annoying that they didn’t cover that bit.
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Went for a walk around Blackwattle Bay and stopped in at the Toxteth in Glebe for a ($10!!! 🤯) schooner of VB on the way home… 🍻