Author: Kris

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    Cameos in my photos from @redambition, @ImagiNERDtive, @pyko, @shvedma! ❤️

    RT @NeetuMallan: An interesting session on “Super charging the AWS Community” #AWSCommunityAPAC #AWSCommunity featuring @jasondunn @Farrah…

    RT @NeetuMallan: @jeffbarr and @web_goddess speaking about Jeff’s journey in AWS and the changes he has witnessed over time and how he writ…

    RT @NeetuMallan: @web_goddess talking about the AWS DeveloperRelations vision and I am so proud of being part of this community & that I ha…

    RT @NeetuMallan: The Lookback at the Jaws Pankration at @web_goddess ‘s talk at Future of AWas Communtiy! Looking at this one can see that…

    @Typhon666_death @NeetuMallan @knuna_t How cool! I loved it. So creative!! 💯

    RT @ilan_g: Great to see @installjournal get highlighted in #AWSCommunityAPAC in Thailand by @web_goddess
    Kudos to her ..
    #AWS @AWSCloudIn…

    RT @Typhon666_death: A video created by @knuna_t was introduced along with the event introduction of JAWS PANKRATION!!!

    #jawsug #jawspankr…

    Overheard in the DevOps breakout at the #AWSCommunityAPAC Summit: “The Devil played a trick on us that made everybody think they needed a kubernetes cluster…” 😂😈

    @redambition @ImagiNERDtive @pyko @shvedma If you and Tia hadn’t gone with me to that first GGD Syd meetup, I might not be here on stage today! ❤️

    I’m excited to learn about Lambda Power Tools from @walmsles! #AWSCommunityAPAC

    RT @Aviboy2006: AWS Community summit APAC – photo with @shafjag @web_goddess #AWSCommunityAPAC

    First post-lunch session is Alvin Delagon talking about Cybersecurity for Developers. Does it mean more work? It can, but it’s also an investment in order to sleep better at night! #AWSCommunityAPAC

    Lots of interest in the session from @deekob and @petehanssens about running hybrid video meetups! 🇦🇺❤️ #AWSCommunityAPAC

    We made a point at the #AWSCommunityAPAC Summit to mix technical content with best practices for people who run developer communities. Faz is sharing his flywheel for building technical competencies in user groups.

    Oh good grief – I forgot to tag @_cloudranger !

    Surprise special guest at the #AWSCommunityAPAC Summit – @ghohpe! (I had to twist his arm to get him to be in a selfie with me and @marksbirch.) 😂

    Final talk of the day is @rothgar sharing the art of storytelling. I’ve seen this talk, and I think it’s a great note to end this inspiring day of sessions! #AWSCommunityAPAC

    Aussie ingenuity. No flags, no problem! 😂🇦🇺 #awscommunityapac @ Anantara Siam Bangkok Hotel

    The AWS dress definitely sets off the sunburn nicely… 😬 #awscommunityapac @ Anantara Siam Bangkok Hotel

    RT @marksbirch: Time for some community awards here at the AWS APAC Community Summit 🏆🏆🏆

    Also awesome AWS dress by @web_goddess 👏👏👏


    RT @Typhon666_death: Japan🇯🇵style #AWSCommunityAPAC

    @lauravieloma @ghohpe @marksbirch Haha, Gregor getting dragged into so many selfies 😂

    RT @VivekRaja007: This is us! AWS APAC Community! This photo adds a biggest vibe to #AWSCommunityAPAC Community Summit!
    #AWSCommunity http…

    RT @VivekRaja007: Congratulations @installjournal for winning “AWS Hero of the year” award at #AWSCommunityAPAC Awards! You are a true hero…

    Akubra FTW. 🇦🇺🤠 @deekoob @kapoor.ridhima #awscommunityapac @ Anantara Siam Bangkok Hotel

    Oh no 💃💃💃

    @anuvindhs Thank you!!

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    RT @GunnarGrosch: The eighth qualifier of the AWS GameDay World Championship finished! Five more teams in the finals:

    DevelopersIO YoungBl…

    A wonderful start to the #AWSCommunityAPAC Summit tonight! Thanks to more than 130 AWS Heroes, Community Builders, User Group leaders, and Dev/Cloud Alliance members who have joined us for two days of learning and collaboration!

    RT @channyun: Have a great time in #AWSCommunityAPAC Leaders Summit in Bangkok! Although I couldn’t go there, I miss all of old friends si…

    RT @hoegertn: Today I am launching my Podcast “Cloud Automation Weekly” where you can discover new ways to improve your AWS infrastructure…

    We are missing you, @abc_wendsss !!

    I had to duck out of the #AWSCommunityAPAC Summit kickoff dinner a little early for a very special video recording! Sneak peek for tomorrow morning… (Thanks @jeffbarr!)

    RT @NeetuMallan: India AWS Community rocks! Two of the AWS APAC Community 2022 Meetup kahoot quiz winners were our very own @zachjonesnoel…

    RT @lkravi: #AWSCommunityAPAC #APACCommunitySummit #AWSCommunity #Day1 #AnZ_Group #Bangkok

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    @wobster I don’t have much of an Aussie accent even after 20 years, but I reckon that song gets me the closest.

    Turns out when you arrive in a monsoon, your bags get delayed like an hour. At least it meant I got to meet up with @startupmarkb and @rohinigaonkar! @ Subornovumi Airport Bangkok Thailand

    I found the Aussies!! ❤️🇦🇺 #AWSCommunityAPAC @ Anantara Siam Bangkok Hotel

    This is so incredibly my jam! ❤️🧶🎵

    RT @michaelsheen: Huge congratulations to the Wales men’s & women’s walking football teams! ❤️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿❤️ Wales teams use Michael Sheen speec…

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    The Whitlams: their 25 best songs – sorted! – #1 is a contender for the Saddest and Most Beautiful Song Ever Written, in my opinion.

    @Amys_Kapers @BuildStuffConf @larsklint Yay! If you want to stop off in Munich on the way there/back, there’s a guest room you know… 🙂

    Heading to Bangkok, Thailand – a brand new country for me! Looking forward to meeting all the folks at the #AWSCommunityAPAC Summit. ❤️🇹🇭 @ Munich Airport

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    The naked ambition of Spencer Tunick – in pictures – See that last photo of the Sydney Opera House? The Snook and I are in there somewhere…

    @geoffwhill It was an incredible morning I’ll never forget… but I’m also happy I didn’t see anyone I know. 😂

    @simonwaight My one worry on the day was running into someone I recognise. 😂

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    Working on a keynote I’ll be delivering next week. Last night I had a nightmare that Tr*mp came to watch it and heckled me. On the upside, I got some ideas from the version I was presenting in the dream…

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    RT @harrietprebble: This viral marketing campaign for Tame Iti’s “I Will Not Speak Māori” installation/performance is a stroke of genius. E…

    RT @Poetron5000: Forget Dungeons & Dragons, I want to play

    Went out for dinner tonight with yet another Aussie-in-Munich: @AndyDentPerth and his missus Rosalie. We toasted to all our friends getting together at #dddperth this weekend! ❤️🇦🇺🍻

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    RT @rohini_gaonkar: We also had AWS Data Hero @Sridevijms21 and AWS Hero @DipaliKulshres1 on the stream explaining Object Oriented programm…

    I left like 20 channels in Slack today, and it felt like radical self-care.

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    RT @AWSOpen: Today, Amazon is excited to #opensource a key technology that powers EventBridge. Event Ruler is a Java library that allows yo…

    I swear, the number of Aussie friends I’ve met up with in Munich is ridiculous! (Yes, technically @polleyg is Irish and lives in Germany now, but he still counts.) ❤️🍻 🇦🇺

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    I have complained a lot about @Meetup over the years, but credit where credit is due – this has been one of my top frustrations, and they finally fixed it. At last, one click to turn off all notifications from a group! 👏 THANK YOU.

    Kicking off tonight’s @aws_ug_muc meetup! Thanks to @adesso_SE for hosting at this lovely venue. @AWSCommunityDE #awsug @Osterjour

    I was very excited tonight to finally meet my colleague @mreferre, who traveled from Milan to present about running modern apps on AWS. #awsug

    @wolkencode Is that your actual view?!?

    @alex_casalboni @mreferre You were discussed, Alex! We miss you. ❤️

    Lots of interest for @mreferre’s presentation on how AWS thinks about modern apps. #awsug @aws_ug_muc

    SPAAAAAACE. There is a lot of interest in @markusziller’s talk about AWS Ground Station! This is the first meetup talk I’ve ever attended that had to sync up with a passing satellite. 🤯 👩‍🚀📡

    “Could you use this technology to… hack a satellite?” It’s not often you meet a Bond villain at a meetup. 😂📡 #awsug