Author: Kris

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    Look who we found in Munich – it’s @mnweir85 !! So lovely to catch up after a few years apart. 🍺❤️

    Look who we found in Munich - it’s @mnweir85 !! So lovely to catch up after a few years apart. 🍺❤️

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    RT @GunnarGrosch: Packing for the AWS GameDay World Championship! You can still sign up and take part:
    #aws #awsgam…

    Any of my AU or NZ friends participating? Please let me know – looking for a few folks to feature on the live stream! 🙂

    RT @installjournal: We had a fantastic time at #AWS #womenintech #india 2022
    Check out my blog “A Trip Back in Time: If you missed AWS Wome…

    Popped into Google Munich office today for lunch with @the_snook to celebrate him hitting 10 years… and the fact that tomorrow will be his last day as a Googler. 😳 I couldn’t be prouder of him. ❤️ Well done, Snookums. Time for a rest.

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    I dropped into the Google Munich office today for lunch with @das_snook to celebrate him hitting 10 years… and the fact that tomorrow will be his last day as a Googler. I couldn’t be prouder of him. ❤️

    I dropped into the Google Munich office today for lunch with @das_snook to celebrate him hitting 10 years… and the fact that tomorrow will be his last day as a Googler. I couldn’t be prouder of him. ❤️

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    RT @JessTelford: Got my start speaking at big events thanks to @johnallsopp & the @webdirections WDYK team!

    Highly recommend to check it o…

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    RT @zachjonesnoel: Got to meet and chat with some AWSome women and ofcourse men as well.

    @rohini_gaonkar @RKridhima @web_goddess @NeetuMa…

    The reward for getting through the security queue at Bangalore Airport is a freshly made dosa for breakfast! It was a very short visit, but thanks to all my Indian friends for making me feel so welcome. 🇮🇳❤️

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    The reward for getting through the security queue at Bangalore Airport is a freshly made dosa for breakfast! It was a very short visit, but thanks to all my Indian friends for making me feel so welcome. 🇮🇳❤️

    The reward for getting through the security queue at Bangalore Airport is a freshly made dosa for breakfast! It was a very short visit, but thanks to all my Indian friends for making me feel so welcome. 🇮🇳❤️

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    I’m very excited to be in Bangalore for @AWSCloudIndia Women in Tech Day with @rohini_gaonkar and so many local women cloud builders. ❤️ (And yes, I’m wearing the @awscloud dress! 😂👗)

    Fun ice breaker selfie activity at AWS Women in Tech Day! Get ready for a lot of #breakthebias photos…

    RT @VivekRaja007: @web_goddess flaunting her AWS print dress and delivering talk about “Talking Control of Your Tech Career” at #AWS Women…

    I wish it was this easy! 😂

    @goldie_fm The context is that slide is what I thought my career would be. The next one showed how it actually worked out, which is true for most people.

    I love that today’s @AWSCloudIndia Women in Tech event has tech talks from Heroes and Community Builders. This one on demystifying lake house architectures was great! If you want to go deeper, check out the AWS Innovate Data Edition from earlier this week:

    Things I learned today:
    1) When a man in a chef’s hat asks if you want a freshly baked madeleine, you say YES.
    2) Indian women really, really like selfies. I bet I was in 100+.
    3) If your hotel room has a deep bathtub, it’s worth asking if they can send up some bath salts. 😍

    RT @NeetuMallan: Meeting @web_goddess after following her online for a while was a dream come true! Couldn’t talk to her enough about how s…

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    Fun ice breaker selfie activity at AWS Women in Tech Day! Get ready for a lot of #breakthebias photos…

    Fun ice breaker selfie activity at AWS Women in Tech Day! Get ready for a lot of #breakthebias photos…

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    Really excited to be in Bangalore for @awscloudindia Women in Tech Day 2022! My colleagues @rohinigaonkar and @kapoor.ridhima have done an amazing job putting this event together. ❤️

    Really excited to be in Bangalore for @awscloudindia Women in Tech Day 2022! My colleagues @rohinigaonkar and @kapoor.ridhima have done an amazing job putting this event together. ❤️

    Really excited to be in Bangalore for @awscloudindia Women in Tech Day 2022! My colleagues @rohinigaonkar and @kapoor.ridhima have done an amazing job putting this event together. ❤️

    Really excited to be in Bangalore for @awscloudindia Women in Tech Day 2022! My colleagues @rohinigaonkar and @kapoor.ridhima have done an amazing job putting this event together. ❤️

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    And that’s a wrap for me for #awsinnovate! Thank you to Jeslin for making me look and feel so glam. 😍👸

    RT @lizthegrey: Give Kiwifarms members the same treatment that Patriot Front and Proud Boy members get: having their anonymous behaviour ex…

    RT @RepDeanPhillips: Umm.

    RT @nerdette: paid off my grad school loans years ago and pretty fucking stoked that a bunch of people have less bills to worry about.


    I ❤️ Singapore. Until next time!! @ Jewel Changi Airport

    RT @awscloud: #AWS Heroes are passionate builders who share knowledge & inspire others. 🦸‍♀️☁️💡

    Congratulations to our newest AWS Heroes d…