Kerls in Lederhosen. 😎 #breaktheinternet #auerdult @ Auer Dult
Wo sind meine Mädels? 😎☀️ @ Auer Dult
Kerls in Lederhosen. 😎 #breaktheinternet #auerdult @ Auer Dult
Wo sind meine Mädels? 😎☀️ @ Auer Dult
Final photo dump from today’s excursion to the “Jakobidult” Auer Dult festival in Munich. It’s like a fun fair crossed with a giant flea market. @the_englishtenor had bought Lederhosen, so we joined him in wearing our Tracht. 🍻
Wo sind meine Mädels? 😎☀️
Lunch at Ayinger in der Au! (2022 Biergarten count: 11) 🍻
Kerls in Lederhosen. 😎 #breaktheinternet #auerdult
The minute someone with a real Australian accent visits, the Snook gets 20% more Ocker. He’s pulling out vowels I haven’t heard him use in *years *.
Weisswurst Frühstück! 😜 @ Großmarkthalle München
Weisswurst Frühstück! 😜
Thank you @vedmich for the gift of @moominofficial Little My socks!! ❤️
Hello gorgeous. 🍕#whitetruffle
The boys are together again, and they’re making me watch Total Recall. 😐