Hee hee! Max was right. I was amused by this article about the Hollywood phenomenon of good guys using Mac and bad guys using PCs. Actually, the Snook and I find it more amusing when a program shows a “PC” running Windows that is clearly a Mac running a Flash movie in reality. Even Office Space – which is otherwise so true to the IT industry – falls prey to a similar mistake. Remember when Peter is frantically trying to close down his machine and leave the office before Lumbergh stops him? Check out the widgets and progress bars on his screen. It’s clearly a Mac. But for some reason when he finally manages to shut down, he gets a C: prompt. I giggle every time I see it.
Category: Computers
R.I.P. Etoys. All you scavengers should dig in before everything’s gone.
Grrrr. I was just checking my bandwidth statistics at Portland and I was shocked to discover that during February my site has exceeded the montly allowance by more than 500%. And you know why? Because of the Valentine. I’m really glad that so many people posted it on their site, but for future reference, it’s always best to copy an image to your own server and link to it there. Otherwise my host has to bear the brunt of serving images to lots of un-related sites, and then the patient yet frustrated web-goddess has to pay an extra $20 for her bandwidth that month. And that pisses her off.
“Roll Your Own” Comments System
Based on the e-mails I’ve been getting, it seems other people have run into problems modifying Steve’s PHP comments system for use with their own weblogs. Since I’m in a magnanimous mood, I decided to write up a step-by-step description of everything it took to get mine working. It’s in layman’s terms, and as long as you’ve got PHP support at your host you shouldn’t have any trouble implementing it. It also lists all the problems and workarounds I found, so hopefully you’ll have it easier than I did. Let me know how it goes!
Remember that guy, the one who broke into Amazon‘s headquarters? He’s got his own website where you can apparently watch a webcast of his entire sold-out play, “21 Dog Years: Doing Time @ Amazon.com.” I might try to watch it tonight after work…
Go figure
Hahaha… Notre Dame got hit pretty hard by the Anna Kournikova Virus, but our sister school St. Mary’s (which is all-female) didn’t. Go figure.
Salon’s running an interesting story on those Y2K “wack-jobs.” (Seriously, the author actually calls them that. Ha!) I hate those people. They remind me of when I used to work in a grocery store in my small town, and every time the weatherman predicted a storm we’d get a rush of old people buying jugs of water and flashlights. I’d stand there at the cash register, all of sixteen-years-old, thinking, “Wolcottville, Indiana is the last place anything remotely interesting would happen, let alone something environmentally catastrophic.” I really think there’s a deep human desire to hole up in a bunker for some reason. Either that or my natural optimism is once again setting me apart from the hordes of paranoid wack-jobs around me.