Unexpected pleasures of the new apartment: getting a glimpse of the Harbour Bridge and Opera House from the train on my commute, and the Snook charring tomato skins on the gas stovetop…
Category: Cooking
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Garlicky white beans with spinach, poached eggs, and toast. #yummy 🍳
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Sous vide lamb rump, pumpkin mash, and garlic green beans. (His sous vide machine is still on the boat from Germany, so he had to get creative.) 😂☕️ #cookinghacks
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The Snook welcomed me home with a lovely dinner: pork loin, salad, and homemade rosemary-garlic potato chips. 😍
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Picanha steak with homemade chimmichurri, green beans, and baked sweet potato. ❤️ He feeds us so well!
My new ceramic grater
I’ve seen these ceramic graters being sold at every market and festival in Germany for the past year, and yesterday I finally got one.
It mushified a clove of garlic nicely, though getting it out again took some finessing. Rodd worked it out – you have to hold the grater on an angle and use the bristles of the brush to push down the plane of it.
I used it in my homemade ranch salad dressing alongside the Snook’s spicy baked chicken strips. (He used toban djan instead of the curry.) It was delicious!
Brussels Sprouts
I never ate Brussels Sprouts growing up; they were just never a thing that my Mom cooked. It may well be that the first time I ever had them was ten years ago at Porteño in Sydney. (They were were charred and tossed with bacon and they were the most delicious thing I’d ever had.) But apparently Brussels sprouts really were a lot more bitter 20+ years ago, before scientists figured out how to get high yields from less bitter heritage varieties. Huh. So if you think you don’t like them, you should give them another try.
A couple recipes I particularly like:
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Arrived home to find the Snook baking biscotti to accompany his homemade chocolate pudding! 😍
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Spicy green prawn curry, courtesy of the Snook. ❤️🦐
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The Snook had another go at goose legs, this time sous vide for 24hrs followed by a grill in the oven. 😍