Category: Crafts

Craft projects of mine

  • My First Quilt

    Me and my quiltThe quilt is done!
    I finished the quilting yesterday and spent all day today finishing the edges. (It took me about ten hours of sewing. Yeah, I now have arthritis.) But it’s done! I even embroidered my initials and the date down in the corner. Snookums is sitting under it on the couch right now. It’s so damn warm! We are gonna put this sucker to good use. It’s suddenly gotten real cold at night. 🙂

  • Monkey Bread

    Monkey breadAs the weather gets colder here, my urge to bake kicks in. Yesterday I got a hankering for monkey bread. (Hey, even Cindy Crawford likes it!) Unfortunately they don’t seem to sell any kind of pre-prepared bread dough at my grocery store, so I decided to make it from scratch. I’d never even done a yeast bread before! My only previous yeast experiment was pizza dough (and I think we all remember how that went). But I persevered. I kneaded and I mixed (“Thanks, Stickmaster!”) and I pushed and I pulled. Eventually I got the damn thing in the oven. It actually turned out quite tasty, but there was one crucial flaw: it fell apart! The little balls didn’t stick together! I don’t know if my dough was too floury or what. Snookums thought it was great, but he’d never had it before. He didn’t realize that it’s not supposed to be a mound of individual cinnamon balls, but rather a cohesive loaf. It’s good to feel appreciated, though.

    Sidenote: Bread is so damn labor-intensive! I don’t think I’ll be doing this very often. I’d rather pay a dollar for a loaf than spend three hours tending a big pile of goo.

  • Summer Down Under 2002

    Summer Down Under 2002Since the deadline for mailing has come and gone, I’ve taken the liberty of posting theartwork and liner notes for “Summer Down Under 2002”, my Burn Baby Burn mix CD. Feel free to take a gander. I had a blast making it. Oh, and if you feel like swapping it for one of your own, just let me know!

  • Quilting

    My quiltSince Snookums has been busy with his computer (recently unpacked from three months in transit), I’ve kinda been avoiding mine. It just doesn’t feel right that both of us should be hunched over computer screens for ten hours a day when we’re not being paid for it. So instead I quilt. I quilt and I watch Buffy. This is a picture of my quilt so far. That’s five rows out of about twenty-five that I have planned. (Yeah, it’s massive, I know. But I like big blankets.) All the colored squares are different shades of blue, some with patterns and stuff. It’s gonna be awesome.

    Oh, and re: Buffy. When you Americans finally get your Season 3 DVD, be sure and listen to the commentary on “Bad Girls”. The guy speaking (the writer) talks quite candidly about the “lesbian subtext” of Buffy and Faith, and how Eliza Dushku was always pushing for more. Snookums and I found it both hilarious and fascinating. 🙂

  • Graph paper

    It’s not a particularly fun link or anything, but here’s a site with lots of graph paper that you can print out at home. It came to my rescue today when I was trying to lay out the quilt I’m making. (Yeah, you heard that right.) Anyway, it’s a useful site to have bookmarked.

  • Draft Snake

    Is your house drafty? Never fear! It’s Tara D’s Craft Corner to the rescue! This week, TD teaches us how to make a draft snake. Now if I just had some decent pinking shears…

  • Pizza

    My pizzaIn need of a challenge, I decided that tonight I would attempt a culinary feat that has set cooks a-trembling since the Dawn of Man: making my own homemade pizza from scratch. Armed only with the Better Homes and Gardens cookbook and the memories of watching my mom do it a bazillion times, I proceeded to make a large, floury mess of my kitchen. The kneading part was enjoyable, though I proceeded to get goo all through my hair. Once the yeast beast was “resting” in a covered dish, I suddenly remembered that I had only one pan suitable for baking a pie on. “Oh well,” I thought. “There isn’t that much dough, really. I’ll just use it all on one pizza.” (Take a note, kids. Never double up on your pizza dough.) Strike one. While that monstrous slab was baking in the oven, I turned my attention to the toppings. Wanting to be professional, I sliced my onions very thin. Thin to the point of shriveling into tiny charred strands of nothingness after being baked. Strike two. (Always remember to cut veggies into substantial chunks to avoid oven disintegration.) And lastly, as I was spreading the cheese over the top of this aberration (the dough had formed a lovely dome in the center, so everything slid towards the crust), I realized that simply picking the “white” shredded cheese doesn’t guarantee mozzarella in this country, but instead nine times out of ten you’ve got low-fat cheddar. Which kinda sucked. Strike three, I’m out.

    Actually it was edible. As someone once said, “Pizza is like sex. Even when it’s bad it’s still pretty good.” (I’m paraphrasing.) This was edible, though the ratio of crust-to-topping was off by about a factor of four. The Snook, bless him, politely praised it and only revealed his true feelings when he let slip a tiny “Were you supposed to put salt in this?” Ouch. Well, there’s always Papa.

  • Pottery

    I forgot to put these up as well… It’s the pottery Amy and I made for Snookums for his birthday. First is the espresso cup and saucer I made for him, and then the front and back of the goblet Amy painted. Yes, that is supposed to be a portrait of me and him. No, I don’t think that the breast size is very accurate.

    Espresso Cup and Saucer   Goblet Front   Goblet Back

  • I Choo-Choo-Choose You!

    I Choo-Choo-Choose You!Are you a Simpsons fan? Are you dating one?
    My Snookums is a big fan of the show, and I reeeeally wanted to get him a “I Choo-Choo-Choose You” card for Valentine’s Day. (Lisa gave one to Ralph Wiggum in a memorable episode.) Unfortunately I couldn’t find one anywhere on the Net, let alone a frame grab so I could draw my own. Frustrated, I posted a plea for help on Lo and behold, somebody came through! So I took the frame, enlarged it, straightened it out, and set to work cleaning it up. I even removed Ralph’s chubby fingers. Click on the link to see the result! It fits on a normal sheet of paper, and I figured I’d have Kinko’s print it on a big sheet of nice stock so I could fold it over into a card. Feel free to print it out and give it to your honey, but if you post it on your site please toss a link back my way.IMPORTANT NOTICE! Despite my asking them not to, people have repeatedly been stealing my bandwidth and placing this image directly on their sites. Let me explain. I have no problem whatsoever with you making a link like this: <a href=”″>. In fact, thanks for that! That’s great. I also have no problem with you right-clicking on the image, saving it to your hard drive, uploading it to your own web space, and embedding it in your web page. Fine with me. What I do have a problem with is this: <img src=””>. When you do that, I have to pay for the extra bandwidth. This is theft. I’m sorry to be so harsh, but this is the third time I’ve asked people to stop and they’re still doing it. I’ve changed the name of the image several times now and it doesn’t appear to dissuade them. If it doesn’t stop, I’ll seriously consider taking the image down permanently.

    Geez, you try and do something nice for the Internet…

    FURTHER UPDATE: People are still being assholes. The big image is now being provided as a zip file, which means they can’t source it directly. You’re still welcome to use it on your site as long as you save it to your own server. Thanks!