Blue tights, motorcycle boots, and homemade shirt. Hells yeah. #colouredtightsprotest
Category: Facebook Post
Archived posts from Facebook
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Another completed sewing project! Tova Top in vintage cotton. Not sure it’s me…
May MetaQuilter blocks: Cathedral Flora. LOVED doing these.
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In their first – and let’s be honest, probably last – public appearance: my prize-winning Rhiannon socks!
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Woo, neat! I got quoted in the Daily Telegraph on the weekend. Of course, it’s me talking happily about the ridiculous price my neighbour’s apartment sold for. I am so Sydney.
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Squinting on a cloudy day in my new Meringue skirt!
Any Sydney business analysts looking for some contract work? @Sitback has more projects on at the moment than I can handle!
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All I could think was that @kunaal84 would *kill* for this office.
Just had a slight brain explosion upon learning that Ser Jorah Mormont and Jane Bennet were married in real life.
Manning the world’s tiniest garage sale. #garage2012
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Holy crap. Three giant lions crocheted BY HAND. The mind boggles. (Also, HALF A MILLION POUNDS? Perhaps my aversion to crochet is misplaced…)
It amused me to wear a homemade dress to work when Sydney Fashion Week is happening just a few blocks away!
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A very busy day, but the kind that makes me convinced that switching jobs was the right decision. I’m working on lots of different projects, some of them with some very high profile clients. And those clients seem to like me! One of them has insisted I fly to Melbourne for a meeting Friday with another vendor. My first official interstate business trip! I feel very grown-up and professional.
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W00t. Persuaded the devs to add me to their email list. This allows my ego to still pretend I’m in a technical role.
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We found where the hipsters go in Wollongong.
A bunch of supportive knitters out to see Kylie perform in her big concert. She was GREAT!