On our way to the Christmas party!
Category: Facebook Post
Archived posts from Facebook
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That was one of the most satisfying finales to The Amazing Race ever! (Yes, including the douchey Notre Dame guy coming in last.)
Last minute wardrobe change for today’s work Xmas party. Demure and Age-Appropriate swapped for Sparkly Punk Princess. #promdressstillfits
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Me and Aussie Santa at the office today. He gave me a giant Toblerone!
Just completed a 6.84 km run with RunKeeper – Better! Legs still wrecked tho, so I did 3:1 R/W.
Hooray! New niece Olivia is born! 7lb 4oz. Congrats and WELL DONE to Kara and Ant.
RT @gilmae: And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards the WACA to be born? #theashes
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The Snook and I are thinking of competing.
Just completed a 6.04 km run with RunKeeper – Injuries preclude any thought of speed. Just trying to survive til the end.
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Snook’s Conspiracy Theory: the Poms used Hurley in a sting operation to derail Warnie’s comeback and, hence, our recovery of the Ashes.
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Merry Christmas from Bazinga the Reindeer! #knittersguild
Picked up one of Spudds’s awards! He said nice things about me (and @lemon_lime!).
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Just completed a 6.92 km run with RunKeeper – First 3K was walk/jog with heavy backpack. Slow. I’m sore all over.
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We deluded ourselves that Amy missed Petey. She’s been hissing at him since we got back from the vet. Hisses of HAAAATE.
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Just completed a 5.46 km run with RunKeeper – Shorter one. It’s HOT, and my foot is unexpectedly sore. :(.
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No, America, we do *not* all hang out at McCafe. Most Australian coffee-drinkers wouldn’t be caught dead in one.