Just completed a 10.37 km run with RunKeeper – So hot and humid! Did 3:1 r/w whole way, first 8K w/ Snookums.
Category: Facebook Post
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Got told I was “rockin’ the biker chick look today.” My first time ever for that particular compliment, but I’ll take it!
Just completed a 6.05 km run with RunKeeper – Warm day! 4x400m speed intervals w/ slow jog recovery. I’m soaked.
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Snook set the bread machine on timer last night. The smell of freshly baked bread actually woke me up this morning. Best wake-up ever!
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Just remembered I have homemade bulgogi and kimchi marinating in the fridge at home. KOREAN FEAST AHOY.
Just completed a 6.16 km run with RunKeeper – 1st half was carrying heavy backpack, so much slower. At least it’s not raining!
My homemade bulgogi and cucumber kimchi. . Will blog recipe tomorrow!
Do you live in the electorate of Sydney? Please fill out Tanya Plibersek’s survey on marriage equality: http://bit.ly/gbkmWv
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Just completed a 12.69 km run with RunKeeper – Great run! 3:1 run/walk around the Bay Run and all the way home.
Me: “I’m knitting a sock, listening to the cricket, & watching the Notre Dame game all at the same time.” Him: “You’re a renaissance woman.”
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Gaga Meat Dress graffiti on a stencil wall here in Chippendale.
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Of course I’d rather be home with my family tucking into a feast. But still, there are worse places in the world to spend Thanksgiving…
Just completed a 7.25 km run with RunKeeper – Great run! 1st 3K was walk/jog with Kunaal. Warm night.
Thanksgiving dinner: homemade turkey burgers with camembert and cranberry, washed down by beer, followed by ice cream sandwiches!
I have now worn a skirt or dress for 5 of the last 8 days. This is a record, and one that would probably shock many of you.
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It’s just awful. It makes me feel sick.
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Just completed a 5.01 km run with RunKeeper – 1st half was absolute crap, so I cut it short. Pace in 2nd half much better.