Nice & easy. Very sore from last night’s brutal massage!
Category: Facebook Post
Archived posts from Facebook
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Night run. Fastest mile time in years: 9:49!! Hamstring playing up a bit at the end tho.
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Bought a new faucet, breakfast at Bourke St. Bakery, came home and installed the faucet, voted in NSW state election, did the grocery shopping, switched Snook over to Telstra. Phew. Tired. Busy Saturday so far…
Mocha hot cross buns are now out at Baker’s Delight. Screw your Cadbury eggs and your Peeps; these are the BEST part of Easter.
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My 20yo self knew enough not to drink 4 glasses of wine on an empty stomach. Conclusion: I am officially getting dumber as I get older.
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“I am the EARTH MOTHER, and you are all flops.” Goodnight Martha. Sad, sad, sad. (R.I.P. Liz Taylor. You were a legend.)
Gentle 3:1 morning run along Blackwattle Bay. Lovely!
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Equinox. Aren’t I meant to be able to stand an egg on end or something? I seem to remember doing that in elementary school.
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Slow run in a total downpour. Soaked. Miserable. But I did it.
Portrait of a Miserable, Soaking Wet Runner Who Nevertheless Just Finished Five Miles.
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Nice easy lunchtime run. Perfect weather!
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I bought “brain-boosting chewing gum.” I’m not sure it’s working. Also, it tastes like ass.
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Nice morning run. Listened to Slow Runners Club; Eddie talked about passing of his Mom. Thought about my beautiful Mom & dedicated this run to her. :).