At Strathfield Park for Sean & Jess’s engagement BBQ. It’s 41C here. That’s like 105F. We’re roasting, even in the shade.
I told you it’s hot.
He’s a classy man.
Archived posts from Facebook
At Strathfield Park for Sean & Jess’s engagement BBQ. It’s 41C here. That’s like 105F. We’re roasting, even in the shade.
I told you it’s hot.
He’s a classy man.
I just signed up for this!
Medical mystery solved: heat rash! My whinging about the weather is now justified, as it’s actually attacking me physically.
Crap. Easy run became walk as my right foot feels strained. :(.
Never. Eating there. Again.
Days like this make me seriously contemplate cutting off all my hair. Wonder whether I’d read as “pixie” or “butch.” Probably the latter.
Found an old pic of me & Mom this morning. Isn’t she gorgeous? And what a fatty-boombalatty bub I am. 🙂
Hope my family are all okay in the coming Snowpocalypse. Wish I could send some of this 100-degree heat over to you!
KICK. ASS. I have finally cracked that damn rowing machine! 103m & 101m tonight. The amazing thing is that it actually felt *easy*. My core strength, coordination, and form have improved so much in the past year.
Other than that, the usual stuff: boxing, running, weight lifting, elliptical, spin bike, squats, abs, etc…
This is awful. The Republicans know that many abortion foes still make an exception in the case of rape… so why not define rape to be even narrower! Hey, she was asking for it! *puke*
Easy walk/jog home from work. Still fighting new backpack.
Excellent LSR. Did 1:1 R/W. Legs much less tired than last long one!
Ugh. Heat wave! 95F in the city tomorrow; 105F out in the suburbs. Me and the kitties are gonna melt.
I feel exhausted and flat. Meanwhile Snook the Cyclist is prancing around and flexing and generally acting High on Life. #bizarroworld
Bickford’s Lemon, Lime & Bitters Cordial + fizzy water from Soda Stream = hot summer night bliss.
Easy morning run. Foot is a little sore. Cooler weather in nice though.
A knitters tea party!
How’s that for a patriotic dessert? It’s Sydney Harbour on a pavlova!
That. Was. AWESOME. @drkknits