Category: Facebook Post

Archived posts from Facebook

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    Glee = Election + Bring It On + High School Musical. It’s like they invented a crack JUST FOR ME.

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    It’s the kind of day where you can just see the next five glorious months of spring/summer unfurling ahead of you. It’s gonna be good.

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    Today’s garden update: there are very, very tiny rocket seedlings starting to poke up…

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    A better photo of the new hair…

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    Sitting in the Nag’s Head with Snooky waiting for Samson & Sharkey to start playing. Feels weird without the old crew…

    Another great use for iPhones: amusing oneself between sets. I’m not leaving til we hear “To Her Door.”

    We’re still here; they’re just finishing the second set. (“Piano Man”) I’ll see if they want to record a message fir the diaspora…

    Got the whole “Ghostriders” performance (complete with “Hi Scotty!”) but Optus network isn’t cooperating. Will send to YouTube from home shortly…

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    Running late to work because stupid Joe Wilson got me so incensed that I had to call my Congressmen – long distance from Australia – and leave messages urging them to support the President’s plan. And now I’m riding the bus to work on a beautiful Friday, still scowling at the idea that a grown man thinks heckling is a legitimate way to disagree with people. (I may have to try that in a few meetings today.)

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    R: “I saw on the Internet that having skinny thighs means you’ll die sooner.” K: “Then I’m gonna live to a HUNDRED!”

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    A hard earned thirst needs a big cold beer. (Nag’s Head, Glebe)

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    Mentally preparing myself for a very early trip to Flemington Markets tomorrow to get gardening supplies…

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    No one should die because they cannot afford health care, and no one should go broke because they get sick. (I have a family member in the US that has just had several major surgeries and no health insurance… so this is less of an academic position for me at the moment.)