Just completed a 6.21 km run with RunKeeper – Great evening run. Met my distance goal for the week!
Category: Facebook Post
Archived posts from Facebook
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I got my hair cut on Sunday… with a fringe. (For the Americans, fringe = bangs.) I haven’t had a fringe since grade school. The Snook thinks it makes me look like my niece Indie.
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Just completed a 6.07 km run with RunKeeper – Stacked it! Skinned my knee, hand. Still finished though…
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Me and Snookums after the Run4Fun today.
My official race report.
Homemade pumpkin pie with real whipped cream. So good! I want to eat the whole pie but Snook won’t let me.
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About to start the Rebel Sport Run4Fun 10K!
Just completed a 10.18 km run with RunKeeper – Good run! Not quite a PR, but it was unexpectedly a hot day I’m happy!
The MobileActive runners after the Rebel Sport Run4Fun 10K today!
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Just completed a 6.01 km run with RunKeeper – Nice easy run on a wet and chilly morning. Felt great though.
Check out the 6.01 km run I did with RunKeeper – Nice easy run on a wet and chilly morning. Felt great though.
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Like @ebertchicago, I remember. http://blogs.suntimes.com/ebert/politics/i-remember.html (My absentee ballot was sent many weeks ago.)
Just completed a 6.32 km run with RunKeeper – 1st run in a week – felt pretty good. Stupid foot is NOT happy though.
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Spent the whole day vegging on the couch and sleeping. Snook woke me up with a Dutch Baby pancake and a coffee. He is awesome.
All the stuff I made for Halloween this year, including my contest-winning homemade costume…
Who loves me? Petey does.
Snook’s doing Movember! As of this morning, he looked like this: http://twitpic.com/32rcci
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Alice in Wonderland. (In this case, Wonderland looks a lot like an office.)
The Pickled Brain is a big hit! I hope it tastes good…
Phew! The Brain tastes great. Like a tiramisu with a lot of *kick*. 🙂
Overheard: “Why is everything in this office goatse?!” “Because of @TitusAtticus.” (cc @lemon_lime)
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Pickled brain is chilling, and witches’ fingers are cooling. I love Halloween.
Sneak peek of Halloween costume. I made the dress two years ago, but the pinny and petticoat were improvised tonight from an old bed sheet!
Our office Halloween spread (minus the brain, which is still chilling): . Props to Gemma for teaming up!