Easy walk/jog home from work. Still fighting new backpack.
Category: Facebook Post
Archived posts from Facebook
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Excellent LSR. Did 1:1 R/W. Legs much less tired than last long one!
Ugh. Heat wave! 95F in the city tomorrow; 105F out in the suburbs. Me and the kitties are gonna melt. http://bit.ly/eLm1eB
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I feel exhausted and flat. Meanwhile Snook the Cyclist is prancing around and flexing and generally acting High on Life. #bizarroworld
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Bickford’s Lemon, Lime & Bitters Cordial + fizzy water from Soda Stream = hot summer night bliss.
Easy morning run. Foot is a little sore. Cooler weather in nice though.
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A knitters tea party!
How’s that for a patriotic dessert? It’s Sydney Harbour on a pavlova!
That. Was. AWESOME. @drkknits
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Planning a last minute “Rabbie Burns Night Supper” to amuse myself and the Snook. Am I really going to hike to Surry Hills to buy a haggis? Am I then going to EAT THE HAGGIS?
I have a haggis in my backpack. This in not a euphemism.
HAGGIS! It’s actually pretty good!
Uuuggggghhhhh. Haggis and Whisky hangover headache.
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We’re going to this! A friend has an extra ticket if anybody’s interested…
Jogged to work w/ new backpack. So hot. Couldn’t keep HR down.
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There he goes! I really hope he doesn’t get squished.
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I’m happy to report the Snook survived the ride home from Stanmore on his new bike! I think his legs are going to fall off though.
Nice easy run on a HOT day. Wore my Newtons for the 1st time in ages!
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Ran to work on a hot day with a heavy backpack!