Category: Facebook Post

Archived posts from Facebook

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    Congrats to @kunaalr and his team today for delivering the all new, amazing!

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    I got some surprising and awesome news today – I got nominated for the Most Outstanding New Talent Award at Mi9’s annual kick-off this Friday. There are four of us nominated (out of 350+ employees). Thank you so much to my peers who nominated me, as well as those who sent lovely emails today. I can say honestly this is the hardest I’ve ever worked at a job, and you guys make it all worthwhile.

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    Proof that the Snook’s not the only one who can pull off a silly hipster hat.

    Still Who-ing at Knitters Guild. About 2/3 done according to pattern…

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    Lunch with @clurt.

    The hat was a gift. I thought it was for ME!

    I will admit it suits him better.

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    Amazing night at Mi9’s first #GGDSyd event. So proud of my inspiring colleagues!

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    The 9jumpin team are fuelling up for an #origin sweep. Go #NSW!!

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    Just cheered when I realised my work book group had been pushed back a week. (I am still the same procrastinator I was in college.)

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    Hipster Grandpas. (I think the older one wins by virtue of hat.)

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    Celebrating America’s birthday with nachos and hot dogs, just as the founding fathers did.

    Friday post-work meeting of The Gingers Club, photo courtesy of Linh Le.

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    I had a Cuddle Buddy today! He misses you tho @drkknits. 🙂

    Sneak peek. It’s not a proper 4th of July without me dyeing my hands red and blue!

    Happy birthday, USA!

    Snook: “You look like a Fox News anchor today!” Me: “Do you mean blonde, pretty, and patriotic?” Him: “Yep!” #onlydayitsacompliment

    Look at this Etsy hipster nerd. 🙂