Category: Facebook Post

Archived posts from Facebook

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    is probably venturing into OCD territory with her preparations for tomorrow’s Guild meeting. I *heart* my To Do list.

    is at the Friend in Hand in Glebe. HANDS DOWN wierdest pub I’ve been to in Sydney. They host crab racing every Wednesday, apparently. O_o

    loves her new MacBook. I just plugged her in to an 8 year old inkjet, hit Ctrl-P, and the sucker is printing. THANK YOU, STEVE.

    just made my first Spanish tortilla. Flipping that monster successfully – by myself! – was like the highlight of my year. I hope it’s tasty.

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    has just realised that my office chair – which I’ve been using for 2.5 months now – has a strappy thing for lower back support. Niiiice.

    just found out from Venks that I’ve had a black smudge on my nose from the texta on my coffee lid for god knows how long. THANKS, COWORKERS.

    Just completed a 3.81 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper

    said: “I’ll be 32 in 2 days & I’m wearing pigtails.” Snook: “Awesome. I’m counting on you wearing schoolgirl outfits in the nursing home.”

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    is worn out from 2 boxing classes & 1 run in past 36 hours. Body wants SLEEP NOW, presumably to recover. I have no objections, fortunately.

    I uploaded some video I shot of Petey last night. Nothing exciting, just a happy and contented little cat purring away on my lap.

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    realized that as of this Sunday, my actual age will be exactly twice my mental age. Scary.

    Just completed a 2.75 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper

    is skyping with Mom. Nine hour time difference really sucks.

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    I think I found the Snook’s next birthday present.

    GAH. Spent half my lunch break buying a new towel since I forgot mine for boxing tonight – only to discover I forgot my sports bra. Bugger.

    Just completed a 2.55 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper

    compromised by walking home from work instead & lugging 5 lbs of cat litter. I’ll do boxing tomorrow night.

    is scrounging every available Tupperware in the house to hold the, like, leftover 50 liters of CHOWDAH the Snook made for dinner tonight.

    is about to start her workout plan for 10K World Domination. (Cue that song from “Bring It On,” the one from the jazz fingers routine.)

    Just completed a 3.37 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper

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    is going to try to back up the dead iMac before I haul her into the city for service again.

    is back at the Apple Store for the 3rd time in a week. Hopefully we’ll get a diagnosis on Boudicca’s issues this time!

    spent the whole day setting up her new computer. Blah. Should’ve gone for a run, but it was pourig.

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    is 15 minutes into the Guild AGM, and Sally has already pissed off the outgoing Prez. Fun! More as situation develops…

    is laughing. M-H, Kate & Susan have had a go. The cabal is alive & kicking. It’s a wonder they don’t kick us out. I may have to streak…

    Constitutional scandal! And it doesn’t involve the Internet. I am all astonishment.

    is done thinking about Knitters Guild drama for the day. Party time!

    suspects that Sydney Mardi Gras is like Halloween in ‘Buffy.’ I can’t spot any actual gay people. It’s all just kids in costumes.

    is amazed! Snookums just spotted the reviewer from The Chopping Block being turned down for a table at our restaurant!

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    is gearing up for a Friday lunchtime run so I don’t feel guilty about having beers at the pub tonight.

    thinks that more songs should have trombone solos. Owimoweh… owimoweh… owimoweh…

    is off to the pub with everybody else.

    thinks that the “bachelor” heat & eat curries from the Indian shop on the corner aren’t half bad! Go down nice after a few beers, anyway.

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    has finished four punishing workouts in four days. Muscles feel like overstretched rubber bands.

    is wondering WHAT IN THE HELL is up with the buses tonight?! I’m going to be late for Fin’s birthday dinner!

    is groaning. All-you-can-eat Korean BBQ is not compatible with diet. Uuuuurrrrgh. (It was so good though.)

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    wants to know who’s up for Watchmen tomorrow night at Broadway? I’ll get tickets.

    is going to pick up Petey from the vet and spoil him rotten to make up for the dreaded snip.