Category: Facebook Post

Archived posts from Facebook

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    is trying to be brave for her first proper night session at the boxing gym. It’s going to hurt.

    survived. And thrived! I feel STRONG. I am a fightin’ machine.

    is trying to be extra nice to Petey. He doesn’t know that he’s only got 12 hours left with his testicles. Poor little guy!

    Just completed a 3.54 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper

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    is waiting at the Apple Store to hear if Boudicca can be brought back from the dead. Otherwise, new computer! Yay!

    is relieved that Boudicca is just choking on some bad RAM. Snookums is resurrecting her now. No new computer for me… yet.

    spoke too soon. So-called Apple Store “Genius” somehow didn’t notice blown, leaking capacitors. Very pissed off and annoyed.

    Just completed a 9.86 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper

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    is fairly certain that was the first time an iPhone was whipped out at a Knitters Guild Executive meeting. It’s like I flew in from Mars.

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    Snookums often comments that it feels like xkcd is spying on our life. Especially true with this particular strip. (Be sure to read the mouseover.)

    feels like going to bed at 8:30 on Friday night. I AM SO OLD.

    is starting Vegemite desensitisation. Day 1: Toast, butter, & teensy tiny bit of foul black stuff. Still alive. Will try again tomorrow.

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    is frustrated w/ self for flailing arms on bball court like windmill while tiny zippy people swerve & dodge effortlessly. So awkward.

    invited the Snook to take evening stroll around Chippo. Ended up @ Duck & Swan w/ everybody else. Had a beer. Lovely night.

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    had the best workout ever. It was nice so we went to the park and kicked a rugby ball. Me! Kicking and catching! I swear! It was glorious.

    Just completed a 3.44 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper

    is dreading pick-up basketball game at lunch. Basketball? My rugby success yesterday has given me delusions of actual athletic ability. Eep.

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    realized this morning that going to work doesn’t depress me anymore. Will prob wear off eventually, but it’s such a nice change.

    just got back from vet where Petey got his last shot. He did NOT want to go. Poor Snookums’s bloody knuckles were the required sacrifice.

    Just completed a 3.01 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper

    I swear, I have had that EXACT SAME discussion on more than one occasion. I’m usually the one initially in favour of hedonism.

    really needs to listen to more TMBG at work. Use cases practically write themselves when you’re bopping to The Statue Got Me High.

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    is waiting for awards to start. We could end up w/ 459-way tie unless there’s an upset. Don’t forget to count the dead people for me!

    is staring at a 144-way tie right now. Come on, upset!

    is cheering for “Departures.” It’s down to a 5 way tie! Phew.

    congratulates Mikey Filmmaker for winning my Oscar Contest! The Batman & Joker monkeys are his. Now, what to do for next year…?

    is looking forward to Pancake Day tomorrow. If only we had IHOP in Oz…! Will have to make our own instead.

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    Just completed a 8.40 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper

    w-g oscar contest 2009 – only 4 hours left! You could win Batman & Joker sock monkeys. (Srsly.) Enter here:

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    is waiting for a bus @ Circ Quay. Police chopper is hovering. Did a ferry crash or something?

    is digesting some homemade cherry pie, courtesy of Snookums the Enabler.