Super cute! Pictures of exotic baby animals. I think baby tawny frogmouths are my new favorite thing ever.
Category: Facebook Post
Archived posts from Facebook
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is resigned to the fact that the price for a shoulder massage from Korean coworker is having him count the grey hairs on top of my head. 🙁
is gearing up for a run. Caffeine? Check. Music? Check. Shoes… uh…
Just completed a 3.96 km run with RunKeeper, check it out
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is suffering from, like, a DEBILITATING bout of hayfever today. I look like somebody punched me in both eyes.
just walked past Bert Newton’s son on Crown St. Thought; “Girlfriend basher! Don’t make eye contact!” But he was wearing wanky sunnies.
is wondering if it’s possible to overdose on Zyrtec. Only one way to find out!
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is heading home in the rain in her pretty red trenchcoat.
just found an error in Alice Starmore. ALICE FRIGGIN’ STARMORE. I’m reeling.
is all, uh, no I didn’t. Sorry, Alice.
just realized that Single Ladies (in Mayberry) is lost on someone who’s NEVER seen the Andy Griffiths Show. What’s up with that, Australia?!
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just got to play w/ HTC Dream (aka Google phone). Not very impressed. Plasticky feel & confusing UI. Hope next version will be better.
Just completed a 3.45 km run with RunKeeper, check it out
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is becoming increasingly worried about running out of yarn. Anybody got spare Harmony 10ply col:802 lot:02? My blue ribbon depends on it!
just got checked out by about 50 dykes in Newtown. What the–? Oh right! Fair Day! Well, hellllooo ladies!
Check out the 6.39 km run I did with RunKeeper
is dying of Cute Overload. Professor Death is sleeping beside me on the couch with his little head resting on a pillow. HEART ASPLODING.
is sick of Lexulous and its rejecting of PERFECTLY CROMULENT WORDS and its thwarting of clever people by giving them 7 vowels AT ONCE.
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is taking her best friend out for his favorite beers ( for V-Day. Love you, Snook.
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Less than 21 hours to go!
This is my favorite thing on the Internet, EVER.
On my way to Knitters’ Guild meeting. Time to start politicking!
was just elected unopposed as Convenor of the Inner City group.
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has finally figured out why latest @heroespodcast keeps stopping on iPhone. Will grab next one via iTunes to test.
managed a 2mi run this morning before the rain came. Best one yet, even tho I’m super sore from boxing Wed. Didn’t want to stop!
Shared today on Facebook HA! @henrytapia is gonna love this.
just thought ‘Hm, I wonder if Minesweeper exists for iPhone?’ AND NOW I HAZ IT. Nerd puzzle bliss! Makes me wish my commute was longer.
I made this last night. YUM.