Category: Facebook Post

Archived posts from Facebook

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    is gritting teeth & deleting when loved ones forward pro-God emails in favor of abolishing separation of church & state. Democracy FAIL.

    Interesting UI: Can’t tell if I really like it or hate it. Reminds me of webpages from 1997 that were just giant jpegs.

    is annoyed. Coles has signs all over urging donations for bush fire appeal, yet NOT A SINGLE CASHIER knew how to take my $50. Idiots.

    is sleepy. Snook and I jogged home from work tonight in the rain. 2.85km thru Surry Hills. Now clean & warm & full belly = zzzzzz.

    is NOT well-rested. Cat Wrestlemania every day @ 5am. Buses all full of idiots (shamed by my PT rant yesterday?). Urge to kill rising.

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    feels like I ought to do more than just give cash. They don’t need blood tho, & Red Cross says not to send packages. What can anybody do?

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    is knitting in front of a fan. Isn’t everybody?

    just finished a slow 5km around the neighborhood. Felt pretty good despite the heat. Total for the week: 10.5km

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    is enjoying some Mr. Potato Bread from the Bourke Street Bakery. Yum.

    is being surprisingly productive for such a hot day. Perhaps I am actually cold-blooded.

    finally played a stupid Lexulous word. ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?

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    is trying to think of ways to stay cool this weekend when the temperature hits 42C/108F. Any good movies playing?

    is at the Lord Nelson getting pissed on cold, cold beer. Yowza.

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    is rocking the Australian kniting landscape today, my friends. Paradigm shifting. World changing.

    2.44km jog w/ Runkeeper. Had to switch filter to None to get signal. Wonder if my case is affecting it?

    I am SO EXCITED about this movie.

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    just had my 3rd session w/ Spudds. Either I’m getting stronger or he’s taking it easier on me. Only felt like puking right @ the very end.

    w-g oscar contest 2009 has more than 100 entries! You could win Batman & Joker sock monkeys. (Srsly.) Enter here:

    is absolutely sick of Knitters Guild drama. Thinking of staging a mass walkout at the AGM. Tired of fighting with the blue hairs. SECESSION!

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    just saw an awesome T-shirt on a guy on William St: “SCIENCE – It works, bitches.”

    is waiting for my “Pizza Bianca with Goat Cheese and Greens” to come out of the oven. (Base was storebought.)

    really isn’t feeling very well today at all. Was it the pizza? I hope not; I brought the leftovers for lunch.

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    Kristine Howard shared a link.

    trying out RunKeeper on iPhone. GPS quality ranged from poor to good, but resulting map is pretty darn accurate! Just a short one, 2.73km.

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    has just picked a metric ass-ton of fresh basil from the garden. My hands smell So. Damn. Good. The Snook is pestifyin’ at this very moment.

    always forgets about the SuperBowl since it happens on Monday morning here, which isn’t exactly partay time.

    The official Bureau of Meteorology forecast for Melbourne today: “You’re going to be living in a Tennessee Williams play, basically.”

    is trying to decide if the fun of impressing my Dad is worth paying, like, $80 for Cheech & Chong tickets.