Category: Facebook Post

Archived posts from Facebook

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    is so hot. Melting. Sweating.

    is relieved that the heat has broken. It’s actually quite pleasant now! There are now 10 of us knitting away…

    Sluts, whores, and murderous clowns… Just another night at the opera.

    Photos of two of the most important women’s-related bill-signings in recent years. Can you spot the difference?

    is wondering if it’s really been fifteen years. FIFTEEN!

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    is contemplating lunch.

    feels like a lucky contractor who got laid off from the Death Star right before the Rebels blew it up. Ah, schadenfreude.

    is playing in the work Guitar Hero comp. Tech Team is doing well after two rounds. Next up: Are You Gonna Go My Way. Oh bless us, Lenny.

    is VICTORIOUS! Tech Team finished 1st in rounds, then won finals with Sweet Home Alabama (my specialty). I am the Hermione of Bass Guitar.

    heading to Broadway to see if they have a tent I can take with me to the Opera today. Yes, a tent. To the Opera. It makes perfect sense.

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    “Single Ladies (In Mayberry)” may well be the best mash-up OF ALL TIME.


    Officially the sexiest thing to say to your missus: “Oh, I already took out the cat litter…” HUSBAND WIN.

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    Wondering if the pleasure of meeting the Snook at the East Sydney for lunch outweighs the annoyance of going out into the sweltering heat.

    Saying goodbye to Clare and Emily at the Royal. Has it really been a whole year? Bon voyage, ladies. You’ll be missed.

    Gah. Website problem identified. Stupid host upgraded to mod_security 2 without warning. None of 1.x rules work anymore. STUPID!

    is apparently channeled by ScarJo in “Scoop,” at least according to Em & Clare. Not yet sure if this is a good thing. No urges to sing Tom Waits covers… yet

    Yeah, the whole “25 Random Things about Me” thing? We were doing that on the Internet (x 4!) SEVEN YEARS AGO. I dug up my old copy and gave it a quick update so y’all will quit tagging me with this business.

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    Playing around with Balsamiq Mockups to layout some website changes. Anybody ever used it?

    Dokic breaks back! Holy crap, it’s 4-4 in the third set!!

    Awww, that was a good finish. Dokic was good, but Safina was better. Loved her adorable interview after. And I COVET her smokin’ arms.

    Trying out Toodledo for iPhone to do list. I liked RTM, but $40/yr is too much to pay. Any other suggestions?

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    Just saw Norman Lindsay “Magic Pudding” exhibit @ State Library. Now beer & pork pies at Lord Nelson. Happy Australia Day!

    Woo! Saw that big CBD Supre is closing. Global financial crisis = not ALL bad! Now just have to clear streets of evil scourge of leggings.

    Realization: I’ve spent way more time practicing to play fake guitar than I ever did to play real trumpet.

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    Looking upon my latest sock monkey creation. What monster have I wrought? He is magnificent. The world trembles in anticipation.

    GO DOKIC! Only two points to go…

    Fantastic! Dokic wins! And awww, she’s crying. That ankle roll made me wince. Advance… Australia… Faiiiiiiiirrrrrrr!

    My 7th annual Oscar Contest is now open for entry! This year’s prize is a pair of Batman and Joker sock monkeys. (Creepiest. Monkey. Ever.) You can enter here:

    w-g oscar contest 2009 is LIVE! You could win Batman & Joker sock monkeys. (Srsly.) Enter here:

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    Holed up in the bedroom. (Snookums has rigged up the A/C.) We may hide in here for the next 2 days if it doesn’t cool off…

    Overheard at Kmart just now: “There is just one box fan left in the store! Repeat, we only have one box fan left. Only 19.95!” Gougers.

    has a plan that involves BSG Season 1, the couch, and some sock monkeys.

    So we’re all agreed? The entire country will be watching the Dokic match tonight, right?

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    is celebrating the start of the 3 day weekend with beer, tennis, cricket, and Guitar Hero

    Woohoo! New one is out. (Thanks for the tip, Jenny.) I friggin’ LOVE these albums. Every year they’re on frequent rotation on my running playlist.

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    That may well be the most AWESOME animated gif I have ever seen.

    is watching “The Young Ones” and wishing we’d named the cat S.P.G.