Home improvement Sunday. On third trip to try to find monkey wrench to fix our now-disassembled toilet. Oops.
Category: Facebook Post
Archived posts from Facebook
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Wow! Indiana Republicans get their own sex scandal: http://bit.ly/c2E8LU. Smell ya later, Souder. Good riddance.
USA here we come! Folks in LA, Chicago and Indiana – we are headin’ your way in July/August…
Crap! Just realized our visit to USA in July/August means I’ll miss both Bay Run AND City2Surf! Bugger.
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Just got a virus spam in my Facebook Inbox. If you get a message from someone you know that seems weird and contains a shortened URL (so you can’t see where it points), DON’T CLICK IT!
Went to Spudds as punishment for the DNF. Quads were already sore; now they’re jelly.
Hey look, it’s me and Venkatesh Kanchan at the Half Marathon! I’m smiling. This was obviously before I fell apart.
For those who missed it, the official non-race non-report from yesterday’s Half-Marathon. There are photos from me on the course here: https://web-goddess.org/archive/9098
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Even when monkey bread is bad, it’s still pretty good. (We had a wall breach.)
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Less than 24hrs to the race. Hydrating. Picked up some Endura packets to maximise magnesium and electrolytes. Voodoo? Quite possibly. But at this stage, I’ll take all the magic I can get.
For my friends running the Half-Marathon tomorrow: If you want to meet up afterwards, I plan to be by the big chessboard in the park at 10:15am (if all goes according to my race plan). I’ll be in a pink shirt and probably look something like this: https://web-goddess.org/img/blog2/mdc2010_2.jpg
The Snook will be tweeting a link where you can watch my live race progress about 7:30am tomorrow morning!
I’m making my playlist for the race tomorrow. (I’m only going to wear one headphone for safety.) So I ask the Snook: “What’s a really triumphant song that you’d want playing when you cross the finish line of a big race?” Him: “You’re The Best from the Karate Kid.” Uh-huh.
Follow my #sydneyhalfmarathon live over at: http://rnkpr.com/a5qy8m
Just completed a 12.99 km run with RunKeeper
Sorry everybody! Got very dizzy and faint just past halfway, and race marshall told me to stop. Don’t think I can go on. 🙁
I’m ok. Sitting in the sun with Snook. Cramping a bit. Right foot is hurting. Stupid DNF.
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Please put this on your status if you know,
or are related to someone killed on Alderaan when it was obliterated by
the Death Star. My wish is that people will understand that the Empire
is a band of murdering scum. The Rebel Alliance wants only to bring
peace to the galaxy, but the evil Empire continues to kill innocent
civilians. 93% won’t copy/paste this. Will YOU make this your status
for at least one hour?
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Three days til the Sydney Half-Marathon. Venkatesh Kanchan and I are getting a little nervous.
How to Win at Being a Husband: “Are you going to your knitting group? Dinner will be waiting. Oh, should I download Portal for you?” *swoon*
Just completed a 5.09 km run with RunKeeper
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Check out the 5.62 km run I did with RunKeeper
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Just completed a 5.67 km run with RunKeeper
Just completed a 8.12 km run with RunKeeper
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I need a gay best friend. Watching the Madonna episode of #Glee tonight, I LOST IT when Sue Sylvester referred to Kurt as “future center square.” The Snook didn’t get it.