is wiped out and sick of confusing software bugs. NO MORE.
Category: Facebook Post
Archived posts from Facebook
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is gearing up for a rockin’ performance review… *cross fingers*
ate turkey with a bunch of old expatriate Democrats, and it was FUN.
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is wondering which will impress my Australian co-workers more tomorrow: pumpkie pie, or sweet potater pie?
is covered in pumpkin pie spice and smells so, so good.
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is smellin’ some BACON, baby!
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isn’t feeling very Thanksgiving-y.
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is eatin’ some cheesecake. It’s good.
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is recovering from Halloween and wondering how she’s EVER going to get all the hairspray out of her hair.
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is nursing a headache. Ow. Oktoberfest.
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is eagerly awaiting my absentee ballot. Go to to get yours. Only a few days left!
is going out for a run. Nearly time to taper!
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is settling back in at work after a long training course.