Got request to buy “text ads” on my Dahl site. Actually wanted me to sneaky link words to URLs to juice PageRank. This is why I hate “SEO”.
Attack of the Chippendale hipsters!
Archived posts from Facebook
Got request to buy “text ads” on my Dahl site. Actually wanted me to sneaky link words to URLs to juice PageRank. This is why I hate “SEO”.
Attack of the Chippendale hipsters!
Ivan received his new Retina MacBook Pro today at work. The box is sitting beside him. He is torturing us all by not opening it.
The Big Potato in Robertson is quite literally the crappiest Big Thing I’ve ever seen.
First bike ride in ages. Felt great.
Very excited to be featured in this video along with some other women from @Sitback Solutions!
Mr Snook tries to ignore the giant wooden emu staring at his burger.
Listening to Triple J’s “Top 100 of 1993” playlist on Spotify. I honestly think that’s pretty much the era when music stopped for me.
Confession: I mostly watch Once Upon a Time just to covet Jennifer Morrison’s succession of awesome leather jackets.
Paper Dolls is off the needles! Now to slice it up the front and add some buttons…
The artist at work. (Okay, I now totally love the chalkboard wall.)
Ridiculously over-styled for a Knitters Guild meeting. I blame @1funkyknitwit.
I can’t believe I blogged about inspiring women in IT and forgot the most important one! Sorry, Mom. 🙂
Approaching total burnout. Juggling 5 work projects (6th starting Tuesday), Guild stuff, kitchen stuff, no exercise, stomach hurts, BLEURGH!