We’re hosting a YOW night at Canva!
Category: Facebook Post
Archived posts from Facebook
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YEAH, BABY. (Thanks Andy!!)
Early voting. No queue!
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Holy crap – BICYCLES + FABRIC SHOPPING. This Venn diagram has my face right in the middle! Who’s coming along?
Someone just learned to cable! #womenintech #stitchandbitch
Kristine Howard shared a link.
YAYYY! The #canvaQAs are here!!
So this was kind of exciting!
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Going out to a special Old Coll’s dinner with a dapper businessman.
You guys I am basically about to eat dinner at Australian Hogwarts.
Spotted a familiar name… (last on the list!)
My first Wesley College event, and I ended up sitting across from Lisa Wilkinson and Peter FitzSimons (in trademark red do-rag) as he told a story about Dolph Lundgren as a student.
Did not disappoint.
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Absolutely beautiful Spring day at the Opera House. Ready for IDEAS. #FODI
I’m kind of obsessed with this project.
Cauliflower Cake from @ottolenghi. It looks like the photo!
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Conference talk rehearsal with feedback from the peanut (knitting) gallery!
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A motif has appeared. #takemetoyourleader
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Public Speaking Workshop courtesy of @wwcsyd and @Speaking4Life
Happy birthday, Lyn! I hope it brought you laughter and bubbles. 🙂
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Two weeks before the 100th anniversary of Dahl’s birth, and the most iconic incarnation of his books has passed away. Thanks, Gene. You will be missed.
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Happy birthday, Varun! I hope it’s a great one. 🙂