I got a kiss from my new @canva colleague today!
Category: Facebook Post
Archived posts from Facebook
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It’s taken me over six months, but RoaldDahlFans.com (a 20-year-old website!) is now live on a brand spankin’ new CMS. For the curious, there were nearly 1500 pages and 500 news items to move over, the majority of which had to be done by hand. (THANKS FOR NOTHIN’, PAST KRIS.)
Happy Mother’s Day to my beautiful Mom and Grandma!
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Team StyleX selfie! (We didn’t win but we had fun.)
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Autumn = tights. #ootd
This is relevant to my interests.
UNSW Fashionista Challenge kicking off! Ready to mentor some young women entrepreneurs.
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If you’re curious how things work at Canva, here’s a blog post about it!
Kristine Howard shared a link.
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Perth: you are even prettier than I expected.
I found a bloody big boab tree! #nofilter
A video of highlights from our Manila trip. It was AMAZING in so many ways! And I miss everyone from the office there already. 🙂
The best antidote to 2 days of conference is a tiny woman cracking your spine. #bliss
Old school. May the Fourth be with you!
For future reference, the red eye flight from Perth suuuuuuucks.
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#yowwest16 kicking off! Come see me to learn about @canva and what’s happening in the Sydney dev community.
I know it looks like the room was empty, but there were actually like 80 people listening to me talk about being (and not being) a people manager today! Thanks to YOW for inviting me and to Ryan McKergow for the photo.
Perth friends – any recommendations for somewhere to get a massage in the city? Anna Guerrero Melanie Perkins
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My 23rd birthday, a long time ago at Si Señor in London. Really excited to catch up with these three in a month!
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Decided to check what’s playing in the West End when we hit London next month. Hm. Jon Snow as Dr. Faustus vs Robb Stark as Romeo. Decisions… (Leaning towards R+J because Derek Jacobi is playing Mercutio. That would be amaaaaazing.)
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Ain’t no party like a Lookahead party!
Wait. Confused. Who–?