Category: Facebook Post

Archived posts from Facebook

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    On the #428 bus to Alderaan.

    Solitary hipster breakfast selfie.

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    Petey let me cuddle and hold him for like 10 minutes. Longest ever. He misses Rodd.

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    Meta-selfie at #cyoad!

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    Selfie with “plarn”. Highlight of my night!

    My fave entries from Easter Show: crochet medieval helmet and sushi scarf. #notallvomit

    The next best thing to winning the Easter Show is having people tell you they specifically looked for your entries and were disappointed that there weren’t any.

    Happy realisation: in two weeks I’ll be at my Mom’s house!

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    DAMMIT. Ran all the way to @KinokuniyaAust and missed Ferran Adria by like 5 minutes. I am disappoint. 🙁

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    Goodbye Snookums! He’s leaving me for two weeks. #sadface

    Just reporting that Rodd has landed safe and sound in California! Needless to say, the cats and I don’t sleep very well when he’s gone… *yawn*

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    Notes and slides from my “Granny Was a Hacker: Knitting as Computer Code” talk last week are online here: (Awesome photo is from Xavier Ho – Thanks to the folks at Web Directions for inviting me!

    HOLY CRAP. I was just sitting at the dining room table and heard an auctioneer’s voice floating in from the street. Turns out one of the apartments across the street from us was for sale. I heard him call $840,000 as I went outside. My jaw dropped. In 2 minutes it was up over a million. Ended up going for $1,099,000! Another lady on the street was pumping her fist. “Was it your place?” I said, incredulous. “No! But I own a house in this neighbourhood!” Me: “ME TOO!” High fives all around.

    (Yes, yes. The inner Sydney housing bubble is ridiculous. Totally agree. But hey, that random lady and I had a fun couple of minutes thinking about being paper millionaires.)

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    Dark & Stormy with paper straw, plastic palm tree, and a BIRD!

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    Anybody in Sydney want our big-ass old TV set? It’s an LG 46″ LCD. Free to anyone who’ll pick it up.

    We very nearly didn’t get new giant TV into the @GoGet Yaris today!

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    Okay, okay. I’ll admit it. Linh Le pretty much KILLED IT in her presentation at Hackathon. Way to go Linh!

    Woohoo! Samareh Banoo and I won the Commercial Viability Award at Mi9’s Hackathon 6! (And we came second in the People’s Choice to a very deserving Annie Lo…)

    Samareh Banoo is right; this one is even better. 🙂

    Hackathon adrenaline has finally worn off, and now my body is falling apart. Stupid cold. Voice is nearly gone!