I went to an AWS Panel last week to represent Canva – which was nerve-wracking – but today I found out I got quoted in this article on Lifehacker!
Category: Facebook Post
Archived posts from Facebook
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Walking through Surry Hills like this. #nofilter #alienbabe
I found my date. Federation Engineers are the sexiest.
Saluting a superior officer. #googleparty
Step into the future. #googleparty
I’m regretting not shaving my head. We would’ve KILLED IT as Furiosa and a War Boy.
I’m blue, and @sprongify is dressed in blue. #googleparty
We found a make out corner. #googleparty
The problem with the #googleparty is that it ends at 10 on the dot. Too soon!
Lupita Nyong’o wore an amazing Zac Posen dress with animated LEDs to a Star Wars fashion event in support of Made With Code, Google’s initiative to encourage girl to learn computer programming.
I love every part of this.
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I may have purchased the Cover Girls Star Wars silver lipstick. #intergalactic
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Yay, Amy Allenspach is speaking!
It’s like Farmville, but with Moomins. We’re both obsessed. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go brew up some lingonberry syrup so I can throw a party for the Hemulen.
(If you sign up and want to friend me, my code is HYMPJX.)
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Wow, cool! @Eileen Dunne @Alison Kriegel Save the date. 🙂
- http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-11-29/sydney-to-play-host-to-college-american-football-match/6984376
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Vegducken prep is happening. #thanksgiving
Just wrote up a brief recap of CampJS as well as the instructions for my awesome light-up beanie!
Vegducken assemblage. #thanksgiving
“If Ron Swanson was going to eat a vegetable, this would be that vegetable.” #vegducken #thanksgiving
“The Grinch himself carved the roast beast (vegducken).” #thanksgiving
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Things we are thankful for: our new air conditioner!
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The wonderful folks at Web Directions have made available the video of the talk I gave at Respond Conf back in March: “Responsive Ads: This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things.” I’m pretty happy with it, other than the constant up-talking which drives me up the wall. (I blame Australia for that.)
Note: I wrote this talk before the recent War Against Ad Blockers began. Crazy how much has changed in eight months!
In the US, they have “Elf on a Shelf.” At Canva, we have “Dave on a Tree.”
Fifteen years later, and I’m still listening to this guy rant about web standards.
Old people. #sydjs